Alter authorization on view

  • Hi I have created a view in viewschema against table1 in tableschema

    I would like to change the owner of the view to to the tableschema.

    ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON  viewschema.viewName TO tableschema

    When I run the above, I get

    Cannot find the principal tableschema, because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

    Any idea what I am missing here?

  • Are you looking to transfer ownership (which does NOT change the schema), or to change the schema of the view from [viewschema] to [tableschema]?

    If you wish to change [viewschema].[viewName] to [tableschema].[viewName], then you use ALTER SCHEMA [<target_schema_name>] TRANSFER [<current_schema_name>].[<current_object_name>]:

    CREATE schema [tableschema];
    CREATE schema [viewschema];
    CREATE TABLE tableschema.table1(ID int);
    CREATE VIEW viewschema.viewName
    AS SELECT ID FROM tableschema.table1;
    SELECT * FROM viewschema.viewName;
    -- Change the schema of the target view
    ALTER SCHEMA [tableschema]
    TRANSFER viewschema.viewName;
    SELECT * FROM tableschema.viewName;

    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

  • What Eddie said, but what are you trying to accomplish?

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