SP with dynamic sql parameters

  • Hello, I have one SP
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_test]
    @year char(4),
    @criteria varchar(50) = NULL,
    @Flag char(1) = NULL,
    @searchstring varchar(100) = NULL
    DECLARE @sSQL varchar(max)
    SET @sSQL =
    'SELECT g.id
        WHEN a.appl_status = ''C'' THEN ''Complete''
        WHEN a.appl_status = ''D'' THEN ''Pending Documentation''
        WHEN a.appl_status = ''F'' THEN ''Final''
        ELSE ''Pending''
       END as status
       ,ISNULL(p.first_name,'''')+'' ''+ISNULL(p.last_name,'''') as name
       ,dbo.f_gtx_getElectrAddress(a.appl_id,''CURRENT_EMAIL'') as email
          ,'''' as granteeStatus
      FROM gtx_grantees g
       LEFT JOIN gtx_application a ON a.grantee_id = g.id and g.grantee_status=''A''
       LEFT JOIN gtx_personal_info i ON a.appl_id = i.appl_id
       LEFT JOIN gtx_person p ON i.person_id = p.person_id
     WHERE a.year = '''+@year+''' '
    If @searchstring <> '''' or @searchstring <> null
    SET @sSQL = @sSQL +
    WHEN @criteria = 'grantee_id' THEN 'AND g.grantee_id like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'sub_account_number' THEN 'AND g.sub_account_number like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'ssn' THEN 'AND g.ssn like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'last_name' THEN 'AND p.last_name like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'appl_status' THEN 'AND a.appl_status like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'participant_id' THEN 'AND g.participant_id like '''
    SET @sSQL = @sSQL + REPLACE(@searchstring,'''','''''') + '%'''

    and when I try to execute it, it doesn't bring any results, not displaying print statement and doesn't throw any error.
    exec usp_test '2017'
    its a very silly thing that i m missing here but can u help? Thanks a lot.

  • You are defaulting @criteria to null so null concatenated with any string is null.

  • dallas13 - Monday, October 29, 2018 3:13 PM

    Hello, I have one SP
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_test]
    @year char(4),
    @criteria varchar(50) = NULL,
    @Flag char(1) = NULL,
    @searchstring varchar(100) = NULL
    DECLARE @sSQL varchar(max)
    SET @sSQL =
    'SELECT g.id
        WHEN a.appl_status = ''C'' THEN ''Complete''
        WHEN a.appl_status = ''D'' THEN ''Pending Documentation''
        WHEN a.appl_status = ''F'' THEN ''Final''
        ELSE ''Pending''
       END as status
       ,ISNULL(p.first_name,'''')+'' ''+ISNULL(p.last_name,'''') as name
       ,dbo.f_gtx_getElectrAddress(a.appl_id,''CURRENT_EMAIL'') as email
          ,'''' as granteeStatus
      FROM gtx_grantees g
       LEFT JOIN gtx_application a ON a.grantee_id = g.id and g.grantee_status=''A''
       LEFT JOIN gtx_personal_info i ON a.appl_id = i.appl_id
       LEFT JOIN gtx_person p ON i.person_id = p.person_id
     WHERE a.year = '''+@year+''' '
    If @searchstring <> '''' or @searchstring <> null
    SET @sSQL = @sSQL +
    WHEN @criteria = 'grantee_id' THEN 'AND g.grantee_id like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'sub_account_number' THEN 'AND g.sub_account_number like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'ssn' THEN 'AND g.ssn like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'last_name' THEN 'AND p.last_name like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'appl_status' THEN 'AND a.appl_status like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'participant_id' THEN 'AND g.participant_id like '''
    SET @sSQL = @sSQL + REPLACE(@searchstring,'''','''''') + '%'''

    and when I try to execute it, it doesn't bring any results, not displaying print statement and doesn't throw any error.
    exec usp_test '2017'
    its a very silly thing that i m missing here but can u help? Thanks a lot.

    Have you printed out the SQL that you get from this, and tried to then run that SQL ?

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • Thank you sir.
    In my case @searchstring is also NULL and it should not go inside the IF condition and just execute @sSQL which is not happening here.

  • [post deleted]

    "If I had been drinking out of that toilet, I might have been killed." -Ace Ventura

  • dallas13 - Monday, October 29, 2018 3:13 PM

    Hello, I have one SP
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_test]
    @year char(4),
    @criteria varchar(50) = NULL,
    @Flag char(1) = NULL,
    @searchstring varchar(100) = NULL
    DECLARE @sSQL varchar(max)
    SET @sSQL =
    'SELECT g.id
        WHEN a.appl_status = ''C'' THEN ''Complete''
        WHEN a.appl_status = ''D'' THEN ''Pending Documentation''
        WHEN a.appl_status = ''F'' THEN ''Final''
        ELSE ''Pending''
       END as status
       ,ISNULL(p.first_name,'''')+'' ''+ISNULL(p.last_name,'''') as name
       ,dbo.f_gtx_getElectrAddress(a.appl_id,''CURRENT_EMAIL'') as email
          ,'''' as granteeStatus
      FROM gtx_grantees g
       LEFT JOIN gtx_application a ON a.grantee_id = g.id and g.grantee_status=''A''
       LEFT JOIN gtx_personal_info i ON a.appl_id = i.appl_id
       LEFT JOIN gtx_person p ON i.person_id = p.person_id
     WHERE a.year = '''+@year+''' '
    If @searchstring <> '''' or @searchstring <> null
    SET @sSQL = @sSQL +
    WHEN @criteria = 'grantee_id' THEN 'AND g.grantee_id like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'sub_account_number' THEN 'AND g.sub_account_number like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'ssn' THEN 'AND g.ssn like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'last_name' THEN 'AND p.last_name like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'appl_status' THEN 'AND a.appl_status like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'participant_id' THEN 'AND g.participant_id like '''
    SET @sSQL = @sSQL + REPLACE(@searchstring,'''','''''') + '%'''

    and when I try to execute it, it doesn't bring any results, not displaying print statement and doesn't throw any error.
    exec usp_test '2017'
    its a very silly thing that i m missing here but can u help? Thanks a lot.

    Well, when I modify the procedure to be a script and set @year to '2017' the following SQL is displayed in the Messages tab:

    SELECT g.id
      WHEN a.appl_status = 'C' THEN 'Complete'
      WHEN a.appl_status = 'D' THEN 'Pending Documentation'
      WHEN a.appl_status = 'F' THEN 'Final'
      ELSE 'Pending'
     END as status
      ,ISNULL(p.first_name,'')+' '+ISNULL(p.last_name,'') as name
      ,dbo.f_gtx_getElectrAddress(a.appl_id,'CURRENT_EMAIL') as email
      ,'' as granteeStatus
    FROM gtx_grantees g
     LEFT JOIN gtx_application a ON a.grantee_id = g.id and g.grantee_status='A'
     LEFT JOIN gtx_personal_info i ON a.appl_id = i.appl_id
     LEFT JOIN gtx_person p ON i.person_id = p.person_id
    WHERE a.year = '2017'

    Looking at the code I see that the INNER JOIN between gtx_grantees and gtx_applicatioin becomes an INNER JOIN.  I guess the first thing I would verify is that there is actually data for 2017 in gtx_application.

  • YES sgmunson and that sql is very well working. its just not executing inside EXECUTE (@sSQL)

  • Does this run for you in SSMS?

    --CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_test]
    @year char(4) = '2017',
    @criteria varchar(50) = NULL,
    @Flag char(1) = NULL,
    @searchstring varchar(100) = NULL
    DECLARE @sSQL varchar(max)
    SET @sSQL =
    'SELECT g.id
      WHEN a.appl_status = ''C'' THEN ''Complete''
      WHEN a.appl_status = ''D'' THEN ''Pending Documentation''
      WHEN a.appl_status = ''F'' THEN ''Final''
      ELSE ''Pending''
     END as status
      ,ISNULL(p.first_name,'''')+'' ''+ISNULL(p.last_name,'''') as name
      ,dbo.f_gtx_getElectrAddress(a.appl_id,''CURRENT_EMAIL'') as email
      ,'''' as granteeStatus
    FROM gtx_grantees g
     LEFT JOIN gtx_application a ON a.grantee_id = g.id and g.grantee_status=''A''
     LEFT JOIN gtx_personal_info i ON a.appl_id = i.appl_id
     LEFT JOIN gtx_person p ON i.person_id = p.person_id
    WHERE a.year = '''+@year+''' '
    If @searchstring <> '''' or @searchstring <> null
    SET @sSQL = @sSQL +
    WHEN @criteria = 'grantee_id' THEN 'AND g.grantee_id like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'sub_account_number' THEN 'AND g.sub_account_number like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'ssn' THEN 'AND g.ssn like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'last_name' THEN 'AND p.last_name like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'appl_status' THEN 'AND a.appl_status like '''
    WHEN @criteria = 'participant_id' THEN 'AND g.participant_id like '''
    SET @sSQL = @sSQL + REPLACE(@searchstring,'''','''''') + '%'''
    --EXECUTE (@sSQL)

  • I would change this line:
    If @searchstring <> '''' or @searchstring <> null
    to this:
    --If @searchstring <> '''' or @searchstring <> null
    if @searchstring > ''

  • Lynn, just curious...is there a function we can use to see the "value" that SQL Server is assigning to these text strings to determine if they are "greater than" the blank space? How specifically does it determine that 'blablabla' > '' ? Thanks!

    "If I had been drinking out of that toilet, I might have been killed." -Ace Ventura

  • Hello Lynn Pettis
    Thanks but I've already tried the test that you've suggested,
    --CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_test]

    And it works like that, gives me table result from that select statement.
    But when I run it from SQL stored procedure, it doesn't give anything. Thats what is bothering me and strange.

  • autoexcrement - Monday, October 29, 2018 4:38 PM

    Lynn, just curious...is there a function we can use to see the "value" that SQL Server is assigning to these text strings to determine if they are "greater than" the blank space? How specifically does it determine that 'blablabla' > '' ? Thanks!

    Is there a function, not that I am aware of.  I have found this work just as well as @String <> '' and @String is not null.  All I can suggest is to test for yourself and see.

  • Also Thanks again Lynn.
    When I tried,
    If @searchStr > ''
    After that I can successfully run it from SP.
    Can you also please give me some explanation about that > and how it works? Thanks.

  • dallas13 - Monday, October 29, 2018 4:43 PM

    Hello Lynn Pettis
    Thanks but I've already tried the test that you've suggested,
    --CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_test]

    And it works like that, gives me table result from that select statement.
    But when I run it from SQL stored procedure, it doesn't give anything. Thats what is bothering me and strange.

    Well, we don't have access to your system nor have you posted any DDL, sample data, and expected results based on the sample data that recreates the problem.  Without either there really isn't much more we can do.

  • Yes it's easy to test against '' manually and see the results. I was just curious if there was a function or something so I could see the "value" of any string, just out of curiosity to see what SQL Server is doing behind the scenes.

    "If I had been drinking out of that toilet, I might have been killed." -Ace Ventura

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