Transaction Replication After Snapshot Script

  • Does the after snapshot script apply even if adding one article? 

    I use this script to add one article at a time without having to snapshot again for all articles. 

    execsp_changepublication @publication=N'PublicationName' ,@property=N'allow_anonymous' , @value='false';


    execsp_changepublication @publication=N'PublicationName' ,@property=N'immediate_sync' , @value='false';


  • Yes, it should run the scripts even after a single article is added because the mini-snapshot that is generated is still a snapshot.

    See Microsoft Docs:

    The script must be repeatable because if you need to reinitialize a subscription for which the script has already been applied, the script will be applied again when the new snapshot is applied during reinitialization.

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