Joining Tables without PK's

  • Hi people, unfortunately i've inherited a database where lots of emphasis has been put on the storage of XML strings. Its obvious that the initial design did not include the somewhat important;) fact that databases actually want referential integrity so that retrieval of relational data is accurate and true.

    I producing a stored procedure that follows a transaction through the database. The transaction foot prints itself through 7 tables where all of these tables lack a primary key.

    Any advice on how best to build a stored procedure to give me the best possible chance of proper data?

  • Re-design your database first. Add primary keys to your tables: I've never seen a good reason not to add a primary key to a table.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Either re-design ur Database or jst add Identity columns in each of ur table, so tht u can easily put joins between them.

  • Could you perhaps post a couple of the table structures, so we have a better idea what we're talking about. Also, if possible that proc that you're working on.


    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • It will be better for you to create PKs and FKs. But, generally these kind of databases (without PKs and FKs) have alot of data problems. Alot of Duplications, wrong referances and so on.

    You have alot of work to do. It will be simpler if you logically look for the relationships and go for the query.

    GOD Bless You.

    Atif Sheikh

    Sometimes, winning is not an issue but trying.
    You can check my BLOG
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  • You've got two different issues you're going to be working with. First, the lack of PK & FK in the database could lead to serious integrity issues. That means the possibility of lots of duplicated or incorrect data. No avoiding that. The other issue, based on what you've said and not said, is that I doubt they've got a good set of clustered indexes on these tables. I seriously doubt there are any good indexes at all.

    Without redesigning and rebuilding the database, you can't do much about the first problem. The second problem can be addressed. It will help you. It won't solve all your problems. Follow Gail's advice. Post some structure and some sample code and describe what you're trying to do. If you can also post execution plans for your queries, that will help too.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • MovementCollection:

    1.MovementIdentifierContext- 'movement type'

    2.MovementIdentifier - '000000012' --->not unique

    3.MovementIdentifierComposite - '1+2' -->not unique

    4.BinaryData - 'image'

    5.XML - 'Full XML'


    1.MovementIdentifierContext - 'movement type'

    2.MovementIdentifier - '00000012' --->not unique

    3.MovementIdentifierComposite - '1+2' --->not unique

    4.Relationship - 'nature of relationship'

    5.RelationshipIdentifierContext - 'type of relationship'

    6.RelationshipIdentifierComposite - (1+2+3)


    1.MovementIdentifierContext -'movement type'

    2.MovementIdentifier- '00000012' --->not unique

    3.MovementIdentifierComposite- (1+2) -->not unique

    4.Classification 'base movement'


    1.MovementIdentifierContext -'movement type'

    2.MovementIdentifier- 00000012 --->not unique

    3.MovementIdentifierComposite - (1+2) --->not unique

    4.State - movent state ie. create, execute, failed, risk, suspend etc...

    5.StateTime - time of movment

    movementIdentifier is not unique because of state.

    Emphasis wasnt put on reporting in this database, the objective was just to store the XML. Now since the db is growing exponentially OBVIOUSLY there is a need for reporting and stats...

    Basically i need to follow a movement through all these tables

  • Is it safe to assume that MovementIdentifierContext, MovementIdentifier and MovementIdentifierContext, while not unique as noted, combined identify a given Movement? Or is it just the IdentifierContext and IdentifierComposite fields, those look like the join criteria in the Relationship table.

    Data types would be helpful too.

    Assuming one of the two above, I'd put a clustered index on the two or three columns defined (depending on the data type). That however depends on the queries you're trying to generate. You should show one of those too.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • indexes are gona improve query performance, but without the PK's or FK's i would be joining like crazy to get results, thats IF i get the proper results.... let me hit u with this stored proc im reverse engineering...

    declare @temp table


    [Account Name] varchar(64),

    Source_Destination varchar(64),

    Date DateTime,

    [Merchant Transaction ID] varchar(64),

    [PSL Transaction ID] varchar(64),

    [PSL Wallet ID] varchar(64),

    [Customer First Name] varchar(64),

    [Customer Last Name] varchar(64),

    [Currency] varchar(30),

    [Amount] money,

    [Description] varchar(255),

    [Fee] money


    insert @temp

    select CA.PublicIdentifier as 'Account Name',

    'Destination' as Source_Destination,

    AJ.StateTime as 'Date',


    GG.RelationshipIdentifier as 'PSL Transaction ID',

    MV.PublicIdentifier as 'PSL Wallet ID',

    FNAMELNAME2.FirstName as 'FirstName',

    FNAMELNAME2.LastName as 'LastName',




    'varchar(30)')) AS Currency,




    'varchar(30)')) AS Amount,




    'varchar(30)')) AS [Description],

    Fee.Amount as 'Fee'

    from CardAuthentication CA

    inner join ( select MR1.MovementIdentifier,



    from MovementRelationship MR1

    inner Join ( select MR.MovementIdentifier,


    MS.StateTime as StateTime

    from MovementRelationship MR

    inner join ( select MovementIdentifier,

    max(StateTime) as StateTime

    from MovementState

    group by MovementIdentifier

    ) MS on MR.MovementIdentifier = MS.MovementIdentifier

    where MR.Relationship = 'Movement.Logical'

    ) MI on MI.MovementIdentifier = MR1.MovementIdentifier

    where MR1.Relationship = 'Movement.Destination.Card'

    ) AJ

    inner join ( select MovementRelationship.MovementIdentifier,


    from MovementRelationship

    inner join MovementClassification on MovementRelationship.MovementIdentifier = MovementClassification.MovementIdentifier

    where MovementRelationship.Relationship = 'Movement.Logical'

    and MovementClassification.Classification not like '%Fee%'

    ) LM on LM.MovementIdentifier = AJ.MovementIdentifier

    left outer join ( select MovementIdentifier,


    from MovementRelationship

    where Relationship = 'Movement.Merchant.Reference'

    ) MERCHRef on MERCHRef.MovementIdentifier = LM.RelationshipIdentifier

    inner join ( select MovementIdentifier,


    from MovementRelationship

    where Relationship = 'Movement.Transaction'

    and RelationshipIdentifier = @PslRequestId

    ) GG on GG.MovementIdentifier = LM.RelationshipIdentifier

    inner join MovementCollection MCL on MCL.MovementIdentifier = AJ.MovementIdentifier

    inner join ( select MovementIdentifier,


    from CardAuthentication

    inner join MovementRelationship on CardIdentifier = RelationshipIdentifier

    where Relationship in (


    'Movement.Source.Card' )

    ) MV on MV.MovementIdentifier = AJ.MovementIdentifier on AJ.RelationshipIdentifier = CA.CardIdentifier

    left outer join ( select MovementIdentifier,


    from MovementRelationship

    where Relationship = 'Movement.Destination.Card'

    ) SD on SD.MovementIdentifier = AJ.MovementIdentifier

    left outer join ( select MovementIdentifier,


    from MovementRelationship

    where Relationship = 'Movement.Source.Card'

    ) SD2 on SD2.MovementIdentifier = AJ.MovementIdentifier

    left outer join ( select EntityIdentifier,

    ISNULL(dbo.f_ConvertXML(Data).value('(/*[1]/*[local-name()="Identity"]/*[local-name()="Name"]/*[local-name()="First"])[1]', 'varchar(64)'),


    'varchar(64)')) AS [FirstName],

    ISNULL(dbo.f_ConvertXML(Data).value('(/*[1]/*[local-name()="Identity"]/*[local-name()="Name"]/*[local-name()="Last"])[1]', 'varchar(64)'),


    'varchar(64)')) AS [LastName]

    from EntityCollection

    ) EC on EC.EntityIdentifier = SD.RelationshipIdentifier

    left outer join ( select PublicIdentifier,


    from CardAuthentication

    ) EC2 on EC2.CardIdentifier = SD2.RelationshipIdentifier

    left outer join ( SELECT ISNULL(dbo.f_ConvertXML(Data).value('(/*[1]/*[local-name()="Identity"]/*[local-name()="Name"]/*[local-name()="First"])[1]', 'varchar(30)'),


    'varchar(30)')) AS FirstName,

    ISNULL(dbo.f_ConvertXML(Data).value('(/*[1]/*[local-name()="Identity"]/*[local-name()="Name"]/*[local-name()="Last"])[1]', 'varchar(30)'),


    'varchar(30)')) AS LastName,



    from ( select CardIdentifier,


    from CardRelationship

    ) CRS

    inner join EntityRelationship on CRS.RelationshipIdentifier = EntityRelationship.RelationshipIdentifier

    inner join EntityCollection ECL on ECL.EntityIdentifier = EntityRelationship.EntityIdentifier

    ) FNAMELNAME2 on FNAMELNAME2.CardIdentifier = SD2.RelationshipIdentifier

    inner join ( select RelationshipIdentifier,


    from MovementRelationship

    where Relationship = 'Movement.Physical'

    ) Ph on Ph.MovementIdentifier = LM.RelationshipIdentifier

    inner join ( select a.MovementIdentifier,

    Sum(ISNULL(a.Amount, 0)) as Amount

    from ( select MovementCollection.MovementIdentifier,

    MovementClassification.Classification as FeeClassification,

    ISNULL(dbo.f_ConvertXML(Data).value('(/*[1]/*[local-name()="Source"]/*[local-name()="Amount"]/*[local-name()="Amount"])[1]', 'money'),

    XML.value('(/*[1]/*[local-name()="Source"]/*[local-name()="Amount"]/*[local-name()="Amount"])[1]', 'money')) AS Amount

    from MovementCollection

    inner join MovementClassification on MovementClassification.MovementIdentifier = MovementCollection.MovementIdentifier

    inner join ( select distinct

    ( MovementIdentifier )

    from MovementRelationship

    ) MovementRelationship on MovementRelationship.MovementIdentifier = MovementCollection.MovementIdentifier

    where MovementClassification.Classification in (





    'Fee.Account.Fees' )

    ) a

    group by a.MovementIdentifier

    ) Fee on Fee.MovementIdentifier = Ph.RelationshipIdentifier

    where MV.PublicIdentifier like '%@%'

    union all

    select CA.PublicIdentifier as 'Account Name',

    'Source' as Source_Destination,

    AJ.StateTime as 'Date',


    GG.RelationshipIdentifier as 'PSL Transaction ID',

    MV.PublicIdentifier as 'PSL Wallet ID',

    FNAMELNAME.FirstName as 'FirstName',

    FNAMELNAME.LastName as 'LastName',




    'varchar(30)')) AS Currency,




    'varchar(30)')) AS Amount,




    'varchar(30)')) AS [Description],

    Fee.Amount as 'Fee'

    from CardAuthentication CA

    inner join ( select MR1.MovementIdentifier,



    from MovementRelationship MR1

    inner Join ( select MR.MovementIdentifier,


    MS.StateTime as StateTime

    from MovementRelationship MR

    inner join ( select MovementIdentifier,

    max(StateTime) as StateTime

    from MovementState

    group by MovementIdentifier

    ) MS on MR.MovementIdentifier = MS.MovementIdentifier

    where MR.Relationship = 'Movement.Logical'

    ) MI on MI.MovementIdentifier = MR1.MovementIdentifier

    where MR1.Relationship = 'Movement.Source.Card'

    ) AJ

    inner join ( select MovementRelationship.MovementIdentifier,


    from MovementRelationship

    inner join MovementClassification on MovementRelationship.MovementIdentifier = MovementClassification.MovementIdentifier

    where MovementRelationship.Relationship = 'Movement.Logical'

    and MovementClassification.Classification not like '%Fee%'

    ) LM on LM.MovementIdentifier = AJ.MovementIdentifier

    left outer join ( select MovementIdentifier,


    from MovementRelationship

    where Relationship = 'Movement.Merchant.Reference'

    ) MERCHRef on MERCHRef.MovementIdentifier = LM.RelationshipIdentifier

    inner join ( select MovementIdentifier,


    from MovementRelationship

    where Relationship = 'Movement.Transaction'

    and RelationshipIdentifier = @PslRequestId

    ) GG on GG.MovementIdentifier = LM.RelationshipIdentifier

    inner join MovementCollection MCL on MCL.MovementIdentifier = AJ.MovementIdentifier

    inner join ( select MovementIdentifier,


    from CardAuthentication

    inner join MovementRelationship on CardIdentifier = RelationshipIdentifier

    where Relationship in (


    'Movement.Source.Card' )

    ) MV on MV.MovementIdentifier = AJ.MovementIdentifier on AJ.RelationshipIdentifier = CA.CardIdentifier

    left outer join ( select MovementIdentifier,


    from MovementRelationship

    where Relationship = 'Movement.Destination.Card'

    ) SD on SD.MovementIdentifier = AJ.MovementIdentifier

    left outer join ( select MovementIdentifier,


    from MovementRelationship

    where Relationship = 'Movement.Source.Card'

    ) SD2 on SD2.MovementIdentifier = AJ.MovementIdentifier

    left outer join ( select EntityIdentifier,

    ISNULL(dbo.f_ConvertXML(Data).value('(/*[1]/*[local-name()="Identity"]/*[local-name()="Name"]/*[local-name()="First"])[1]', 'varchar(64)'),


    'varchar(64)')) AS [FirstName],

    ISNULL(dbo.f_ConvertXML(Data).value('(/*[1]/*[local-name()="Identity"]/*[local-name()="Name"]/*[local-name()="Last"])[1]', 'varchar(64)'),


    'varchar(64)')) AS [LastName]

    from EntityCollection

    ) EC on EC.EntityIdentifier = SD.RelationshipIdentifier

    left outer join ( select PublicIdentifier,


    from CardAuthentication

    ) EC2 on EC2.CardIdentifier = SD2.RelationshipIdentifier

    left outer join ( SELECT ISNULL(dbo.f_ConvertXML(Data).value('(/*[1]/*[local-name()="Identity"]/*[local-name()="Name"]/*[local-name()="First"])[1]', 'varchar(30)'),


    'varchar(30)')) AS FirstName,

    ISNULL(dbo.f_ConvertXML(Data).value('(/*[1]/*[local-name()="Identity"]/*[local-name()="Name"]/*[local-name()="Last"])[1]', 'varchar(30)'),


    'varchar(30)')) AS LastName,



    from ( select CardIdentifier,


    from CardRelationship

    ) CRS

    inner join EntityRelationship on CRS.RelationshipIdentifier = EntityRelationship.RelationshipIdentifier

    inner join EntityCollection ECL on ECL.EntityIdentifier = EntityRelationship.EntityIdentifier

    ) FNAMELNAME on FNAMELNAME.CardIdentifier = SD.RelationshipIdentifier

    inner join ( select MovementIdentifier,


    from MovementRelationship

    where Relationship = 'Movement.Physical'

    ) Ph on Ph.MovementIdentifier = LM.RelationshipIdentifier

    left outer join ( select a.MovementIdentifier,

    Sum(ISNULL(a.Amount, 0)) as Amount

    from ( select MovementCollection.MovementIdentifier,

    MovementClassification.Classification as FeeClassification,

    ISNULL(dbo.f_ConvertXML(Data).value('(/*[1]/*[local-name()="Source"]/*[local-name()="Amount"]/*[local-name()="Amount"])[1]', 'money'), XML.value('(/*[1]/*[local-name()="Source"]/*[local-name()="Amount"]/*[local-name()="Amount"])[1]', 'money')) AS Amount

    from MovementCollection

    inner join MovementClassification on MovementClassification.MovementIdentifier = MovementCollection.MovementIdentifier

    inner join ( select

    distinct ( MovementIdentifier )

    from MovementRelationship

    ) MovementRelationship on MovementRelationship.MovementIdentifier = MovementCollection.MovementIdentifier

    where MovementClassification.Classification in (





    'Fee.Account.Fees' )

    ) a

    group by a.MovementIdentifier

    ) Fee on Fee.MovementIdentifier = Ph.RelationshipIdentifier

    where MV.PublicIdentifier like '%@%'

    select ll.Source,



    mm.[Merchant Transaction ID],

    mm.[PSL Transaction ID],

    mm.[PSL Wallet ID],

    mm.[Customer First Name],

    mm.[Customer Last Name],





    from ( select case when Source_Destination = 'Source'

    then [Account Name]

    end as Source,

    case when Source_Destination = 'Destination'

    then [Account Name]

    end as Destination,

    Date, --,

    [Merchant Transaction ID],

    [PSL Transaction ID],

    [PSL Wallet ID],

    [Customer First Name],

    [Customer Last Name],




    Sum(ISNULL([Fee], 0)) as 'Fee'

    from @temp

    group by Source_Destination,

    [Account Name],

    Date, --,

    [Merchant Transaction ID],

    [PSL Transaction ID],

    [PSL Wallet ID],

    [Customer First Name],

    [Customer Last Name],




    ) ll

    inner join ( select case when Source_Destination = 'Source'

    then [Account Name]

    end as Source,

    case when Source_Destination = 'Destination'

    then [Account Name]

    end as Destination,

    Date, --,

    [Merchant Transaction ID],

    [PSL Transaction ID],

    [PSL Wallet ID],

    [Customer First Name],

    [Customer Last Name],




    Sum(ISNULL([Fee], 0)) as 'Fee'

    from @temp

    group by Source_Destination,

    [Account Name],

    Date, --,

    [Merchant Transaction ID],

    [PSL Transaction ID],

    [PSL Wallet ID],

    [Customer First Name],

    [Customer Last Name],




    ) mm on ll.[PSL Transaction ID] = mm.[PSL Transaction ID]

    where ll.Source IS NOT NULL

    and mm.Destination IS NOT NULL

    and mm.Date IS NOT NULL

    and mm.[Amount] > mm.[Fee]

    group by ll.Source,



    mm.[Merchant Transaction ID],

    mm.[PSL Transaction ID],

    mm.[PSL Wallet ID],

    mm.[Customer First Name],

    mm.[Customer Last Name],





    order by Date asc

  • thegreatsamarth (7/21/2008)

    Either re-design ur Database or jst add Identity columns in each of ur table, so tht u can easily put joins between them.

    I am curious as to how just adding Identity columns to each of the table, is going to help with the join?

  • Maybe when you have special one-row table (for example with some application parameters), then primary-key is useless 🙂

  • Michal Mokros (7/22/2008)

    Maybe when you have special one-row table (for example with some application parameters), then primary-key is useless 🙂

    A one-row table usually means that columns are being used in place of rows. I can't think of a situation in which a one-row table, defined to have one and only one row, is a good design.

    I've seen the one-row parameter table done before. However, it's not a good design. In most cases, the columns should be rows. What you end up with, after a few years and various developers, is a one-row table in which some columns are no longer used and others contain multi-valued attributes because developers are afraid (or not allowed) to alter the schema. These facts can only be ascertained by digging into all the calling code because no one knows what those columns are for. A parameter table, if you must have one, should look more like this:

    CREATE TABLE Parameter (


    Value VARCHAR(255),

    Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL


    The Code column contains a mnemonic that identifies the parameter. The Value column can be cast to the appropriate data type. The Description column describes what the parameter is and what it's used for. A set of sprocs can be used to get and set parameters, even doing type-checking if necessary.

    Because this table uses one row per parameter, it is easy to add new ones instead of making existing ones multi-valued, and easy to delete unused ones.

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