SSMS 2017 v17.9 to register an instance of SQL Server 2008 Express Edition

  • Is it possible to register an instance of SQL Server 2008 Express in my current SSMS 2017 v17.9 tool?

    If not, how can I view databases and tables in an instance of SQL Server 2008 Express?  Do I need to install a version of SSMS for 2008?

    (I've been tasked w/ upgrading an instance of SQL 2008 Express to SQL 2017 Express)

  • SSMS 2017 (and 2019 preview) support all supported version of SQL Server, which (for now, but not for much longer) includes SQL Server 2008.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • I have SQL running from 2005 to 2017 and everything in between.
    It works fine on all versions, except for SQL Agent in 2005.

    Michael L John
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