backup\restore strategy for critical issue

  • Hi

    I have one query regarding backup\recovery startegy

    I have Db with simple recovery model.. recently i updated my column without where clause now i need to recover all my original state of that column..i just have idea @ set DB recovery model to Full then take full back up and then take differantial back up and then take transactional log back up and restore it as full , diff and then most recent transactional log back up...but still i didnt get original state of that table column...

    please guide me


  • Think you cant back to the state you want.A full backup now will give you all datas as of now and a differential contains changes since the last backup only.

    Hope you can resolve this ,

    Wait for experts comment 😀

  • The problem is that you update the table, the transaction was written to the Tlog, then a minute or two later, it was truncated, and so the data is lost.

    Doing a backup now won't help you.

    If you have a full backup from before the update, you can restore that to a new database, then copy over some of the data. That's probably about it.

  • SIMPLE recovery model only allows you to recover back to your last full backup. You cannot recover individual transaction operations from a database in SIMPLE mode. You need to be either in BULK_LOGGED or FULL recovery.

    Your friendly High-Tech Janitor... 🙂

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