How to find all Linked Servers pointing to our instance?

  • Hi all.

    We are preparing for migration, and scripting all our Linked Servers. But how to find all other Linked Servers, that originate on different instances but leading to ours?




  • Scrape the connection logs, will at least give an idea what linked services are connecting within the log retention period.



  • I tried SQL Server Logs which is under Management folder, it does not have this info. Where I can find connection logs?



  • this is almost impossible, unless 1)both successful login and failed login were logged(default to failed only); and 2)linked server to your instance uses a special user that's not used for any other application(for example, web application), otherwise, you cannot tell if a connection is via linked server or from your web application. Even in this case, a very old linked server could still be lingering somewhere, but rarely connects.

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