Cannot remove growth restriction from log files

  • I have an instance where I have sysadmins.

    There a number of databases created by users and also msdb where I am unable to set log file growth to unlimited. It seems that when I change the setting all is OK but on checking back it has reverted to limited. I have altered the setting on a number of other DBs without a problem. Can anyone shed any light on this?

  • You talking about the 2TB limit?  Thats for logs in general, so even though there is a limit set at 2TB even those databases which dont have the limit set are still bound by that 2TB limit.

    SQL sets it so you are aware of the limit once you change the log in some way, there is no way to remove that and is causing you no issues in being there

  • You learn something new every day. Thank you that would explain it.

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