Reporting Services Login

  • Hello Room,

    I have setup the SQL Reporting on stand along window server 2003 server box.

    Created a demo report and wanted to deploy. The Reporting Services login keeps prompt and asked me to enter user name and password.

    I tried to enter several credential users login include the admininstartor password but it failed.

    Where can I find the reporting server login credential login.?

    Thank you for help.


  • you'll need to assign rights to users/groups for the physical folder that the http://server/ReportServer virtual folder points to (usually \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\Reporting Services).

    if you're using IE and have rights to the server that's hosting RS, then windows authentication should allow you to access http://server/ReportServer without any user prompt.

  • I customized the folders to specific location during my IIS Setup.

    The folders already assigned users with specific privileges. E.g: Everyone has the READ privilege on Sharing tab and user_A, user_B and user_C assigned with Read& Execute on Secutiry tab.

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