#Error on converting NULL values in textbox Expression

  • I didn't see this come up in a search of the forums, but it's one of those things that drives you nuts when you can't figure it out. I decided I'd post the issue and a possible solution for future reference!

    Issue 1: Your report includes a datetime parameter that has a default value of NULL. You want to pass it as a string within a textbox. DateValue(Parameters!yourdate.Value) works within an Expression when there's a value, but you get #Error when it is NULL.

    You also can't use IIf logic like the following:


    Solution-- The IIf statement evaluates both True and False in line, so NULLs will always throw the #Error. You need a different way of converting for the True part of your statement that doesn't throw errors on NULL (even though a NULL won't end up being processed):

    =IIF( IsNothing(Parameters!yourdate.Value), "", Format( CDate(Parameters!yourdate.Value), "M/d/yyyy" ) )


    Issue 2: You need to divide number1 by number2, except when number 2 is NULL or 0.

    Solution: You can do something along the lines of:

    = Fields!Number1.Value /


    Fields!Number2.Value is Nothing

    or Fields!Number2.Value = 0, 1,




    Of course, if you can clean up the results through SQL before they get to the report, that's always best!

  • You can compare it to System.DbNull.Value and then convert it to String.Empty.

    IIF(parameters.yourdate.value = System.DbNull.Value, String.Empty, paramterd.yourdate.value)

  • AWESOME!!! I have a feeling I'll come back to this thread in about 6 months when the issue pops up again and I forgot what works. Thanks for the input!

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