\'REMOTE ACCESS\' setting flipped back to 0 overnight ??

  • Any reason why our SQL Server 2016 Standard edition instance would have flipped the 'REMOTE ACCESS' setting back off? Here's what happened:

    - I ran the following code AS IS on both SQL Servers:

    sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;




    EXEC sp_configure 'remote access'; -- Display current setting


    --EXEC SP_CONFIGURE 'remote access', 0

    EXEC SP_CONFIGURE 'remote access', 1


    - I then REBOOTED both SQL Servers and verified: CONFIG VALUE: 1 RUN VALUE: 1

    - Our remote stored procedure execution then worked fine.

    - the next day, the 'remote access' setting was back to CONFIG VALUE: 0 RUN VALUE: 0 which broke our remote stored procedures execution. Am I missing a step here?

  • The only way I can think of that an instance itself would do this is if you were using Policies and the system configuration facet. Otherwise I'd suspect a person or possibly some app with elevated permissions. You can check the SQL Server error log to see when it was changed. It would only indicate the change and which spid did the change though. The trace files should have an entry for the change as well - depending on how far back you have trace files. It would indicate the login making the changes.


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