Data Validation in SSIS

  • I have a CSV file,i need to transfer this to a database table in SSIS and then check for data i.e one of the column in my table has repeated data ,incase the data differs then i need to fail the data validation

    Table Description


    aa US NY

    bb US PY

    cc US CA

    dd US AL

    ee US MA

    ff US ST

    In the above table for column STATE it has to contain only US, in case there is a differing data like USA then fail data validation.

  • Does the data need to be loaded in the table first?

    The Conditional Split Transform can be configured to check to the column value = US and only load those rows. The rows that do not match that criteria can be sent to another table.


    DTS Package Search

  • Lalitha,

    I find it easier to first load the whole file (in yoru case, CSV file) into the table and then check for data validation. You can use a simple sql task in SSIS to check for rows with data. For example:

    DELETE * FROM tablename where STATE <> 'US'



  • I'm not sure what your question is. Have you worked around your issue?


    I wrote a blog on data validation in SSIS package using script component.Hope this will be of some use to you.



  • nakkeeran.kannan (6/23/2011)

    I wrote a blog on data validation in SSIS package using script component.Hope this will be of some use to you.



    Your blog describes data validation on data types, not on the actual content of the data which was the original question (3 years ago).

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • I have validated the data in the package.

    If you had noticed I have validated the area code for the expression


    similarly we can validate any column and the redirect the rows accordingly using script component

    example :

    country == 'US'

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