Blog Post

Seattle SQL Pro Workshop 2017 Schedule


db_resuscitateSeattle SQL Pro Workshop 2017

You may be aware of an event that some friends and I are putting together during the week of PASS Summit 2017. I have created an Eventbrite page with all the gory details here.

With everybody being in a mad scramble to get things done to pull this together, the one task we left for last was to publish a schedule. While this is coming up very late in the game, rest assured we are not foregoing some semblance of order for the day. ?? That said, there will still be plenty of disorder / fun to be had during the day.

So the entire point of this post is to publish the schedule and have a landing page for it during the event. *

Registration8:30 AMAll
Intro/Welcome9:00 AM10Jason Brimhall 
19:10 AM60Jason BrimhallDolly, Footprints and a Dash of EXtra TimE
Break10:10 AM5  
210:15 AM60Jimmy MayIntro to Monitoring I/O: The Counters That Count
Break11:15 AM5  
311:20 AM60Gail ShawParameter sniffing and other cases of the confused optimiser
Lunch12:20 PM60 Networking /  RG
41:20 PM60Louis DavidsonImplementing a Hierarchy in SQL Server
Break2:20 PM5  
52:25 PM60Andy LeonardDesigning an SSIS Framework
Break3:25 PM5  
63:30 PM60Wayne SheffieldWhat is this “SQL Inj/stuff/ection”, and how does it affect me?
Wrap4:30 PM30 Swag and Thank You
END5:00 PMCleanup

*This schedule is subject to change without notice.

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