ssis excel source

  • hi,

    i gotta Excel Source which has a column that contains both numbers and some text values eg, 'Cost Impact', 89023, 12341,... etc

    i want to upload into a Database Table;

    after uploading text is alone coming to database rest are treated as null

    i tried with flat file also, its blinking with the red block Flat File Source;

    how to resolve this problem? can any goodie, suggest me please!:)

  • your excel sheet column contains both text and numbers right

    for example :



    well the problem might be that : ... check what does the SSIS package take the datatype of the column by default .... cause it might be taking it as DTS_STR .... the default value is taken by looking at the first 8 values in the column ... this also can be overidden by changing some settings in the registry (regedit) .... this is only the case if the first eight columns only have text and the rest might have numbers too ......

    Could you paste the sample data ?

    probably this might not work out ... In case you can paster sample data it would be good 🙂

  • Hi,

    This is a classic question in this forum. I don't use the Excel file format.

    I save the Excelfile as a text file and then import that file. This workaround

    works excellent for me.


  • hi maha yadav, here i pasted the sample data, just copy and paste in excel then you can identify!, thanks for your reply,

    Project NumberAgreement NumSOW NumProject NameTask NameEvent Description

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost Impact SOWPS070001_CGPSAPRollCost Impact for Jul 07 - CPG SAP Rollout

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost Impact SOWPS070001_CGPSAPRollCost Impact for Aug 07 - CPG SAP Rollout

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost Impact SOWPS070001_CGPSAPRollCost Impact for Sep 07 - CPG SAP Rollout

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWPS070005_TS_BusIntfCost Impact for Jul 07-Program Management Support

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWPS070005_TS_BusIntfCost Impact for Aug 07-Program Management Support

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWPS070005_TS_BusIntfCost Impact for Sep 07-Program Management Support

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWPS070009_SAP_BCL_ModCost Impact for Jul 07 -SAP COE BCL Module

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWPS070009_SAP_BCL_ModCost Impact for Aug 07 -SAP COE BCL Module

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWPS070009_SAP_BCL_ModCost Impact for Sep 07 -SAP COE BCL Module

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWPS070012_TS_IntSvsCost Impact for July 07 - ITSS-PS-07-0012- Integration Analyst

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWPS070012_TS_IntSvsCost Impact for Aug 07 - ITSS-PS-07-0012 - Integration Analyst

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWPS070012_TS_IntSvsCost Impact for Sept 07 - ITSS-PS-07-0012 - Integration Analyst

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWPS070008_SAPWHMgmtCost Impact for July 07 - ITSS-PS-07-0008- SAP COE WH Module

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWPS070008_SAPWHMgmtCost Impact for Aug 07 - ITSS-PS-07-0008 - SAP COE WH Module

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWPS070008_SAPWHMgmtCost Impact for Sept 07 - ITSS-PS-07-0008 - SAP COE WH Module

    14739ITSS-S-07-0060_TSGoogleSup_PPS070060_TSGoogleSupGoogle Support Aug 07

    14739ITSS-S-07-0060_TSGoogleSup_PPS070060_TSGoogleSupGoogle Support Sep 07

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWS070052_SAPTestAutoCost Impact for July 07 - ITSS-S-07-0052 - SAP Test Auto Support

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWS070052_SAPTestAutoCost Impact for Aug 07 - ITSS-S-07-0052 - SAP Test Auto Support

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWS070052_SAPTestAutoCost Impact for Sept 07 - ITSS-S-07-0052 - SAP Test Auto Support

    14604ITSS-D-07-0079_DutyCycle_PPD070079_DutyCycleAcceptance of Duty Cycle Requirements

    14604ITSS-D-07-0079_DutyCycle_PPD070079_DutyCycleAcceptance of Duty Cycle Design

    14610ITSS-D-07-0098_CADTolsPrcss_PPD070098_CADTolsPrcssDocument that captures the various scenarios where 3D data translation is not accurate (per Ford Standards) along with probable reasons for the same - Prototype various methodologies

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWD070045_TS_PLMPh2Cost Impact for July 07 - ITSS-D-07-0045- PLM Ph2

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWD070045_TS_PLMPh2Cost Impact for Aug 07 - ITSS-D-07-0045 - PLM Ph2

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWD070045_TS_PLMPh2Cost Impact for Sept 07 - ITSS-D-07-0045 - PLM Ph2

    Cost ImpactITSS-D-07-0129ITSS-D-07-0129 Cost impact SOWITSS-D-07-0129Cost Impact for Jul 07 - HAS-S-06-0016 - SharePoint & Google Maintenance & Support

    14301ITSS-ADD-07-0032ITSS-S-07-0042_ScoutingSupp_PPS070042_ScoutingSuppProfessional Services for Jul 07 as per ITSS-ADD-07-0032

    14301ITSS-ADD-07-0032ITSS-S-07-0042_ScoutingSupp_PPS070042_ScoutingSuppProfessional Services for Aug 07 as per ITSS-ADD-07-0032

    14301ITSS-ADD-07-0032ITSS-S-07-0042_ScoutingSupp_PPS070042_ScoutingSuppProfessional Services for Sep 07 as per ITSS-ADD-07-0032

    14301ITSS-ADD-07-0032ITSS-S-07-0042_ScoutingSupp_PPS070042_ScoutingSuppCredit Note for Anil ( Did not join in Sep. DOJ - Oct 24th )

    14742ITSS-PS-07-0031_ITEffToolAd_PPPS070031_ITEffToolAdProfessional Services for Sep 07

    14742ITSS-PS-07-0031_ITEffToolAd_PPPS070031_ITEffToolAdCredit Note for Kapil ( DOJ - Oct 10th)

    14055ITSS-ADD-07-0050ITSS-S-07-0015_SCMToolSup_PPS070015_SCMToolSupSupport fees for Aug 07 for NG FMS IT-07-069 ( Differential amount as per ITSS-ADD-07-0050)

    14055ITSS-ADD-07-0050ITSS-S-07-0015_SCMToolSup_PPS070015_SCMToolSupSupport fees for Aug 07 for O&M Support FS-07-014( Differential amount as per ITSS-ADD-07-0050)

    14055ITSS-S-07-0015ITSS-ADD-07-0050ITSS-S-07-0015_SCMToolSup_PPS070015_SCMToolSupSupport fees for Sep 07 for NG FMS IT-07-069 as per ITSS-ADD-07-0050

    14055ITSS-S-07-0015ITSS-ADD-07-0050ITSS-S-07-0015_SCMToolSup_PPS070015_SCMToolSupSupport fees for Sep 07 for O&M Support FS-07-014 as per ITSS-ADD-07-0050

    14009ITSS-S-07-0017_Team_View_SP_PPS070017_Team_View_SPTeam View Support for Sep 07

    13577ITSS-ADD-07-0049Luton_Intranet_Support_PPLuton_Intranet_SuppDifferentail Amount of Jul and Aug 07 as per ITSS-ADD-07-0049

    13577ITSS-ADD-07-0049Luton_Intranet_Support_PPLuton_Intranet_SuppSep 07 support fees as per ITSS-ADD-07-0049

    13516VMT_Support_PPVMT_SupportVMT Systen Ph-1 Support Fees for Sep 07

    13516VMT_Support_PPVMT_SupportVMT System Ph-2 Transition Fees for Sep 07

    117532917457myLabs Support_PPmyLabs SupportSep '07 efforts

    14750ITSS-D-07-0112_Ordrmgmtsys_PPD070112_OrdrmgmtsysSystem Admin Report for Aug 07 - Capital

    14750ITSS-D-07-0112_Ordrmgmtsys_PPD070112_OrdrmgmtsysPM Coordination for Aug 07- Expense

    14542ITSS-RAS-07-0028_BndxKngWeb_PPRAS070028_BndxKngWebAcceptance of Project Schedule, SQA Plan, Configuration Management Plan, Risk Management Plan for BendixKign web application ? security fixes

    14499ITSS-RAS-07-0036_MORPsdoCOE_PPRAS070036_MORPsdoCOEAcceptance of Project Plan, SQA Plan, Configuration Management Plan and Risk Management Plan and Schedule

    14499ITSS-RAS-07-0036_MORPsdoCOE_PPRAS070036_MORPsdoCOEAcceptance of Code

    14499ITSS-RAS-07-0036_MORPsdoCOE_PPRAS070036_MORPsdoCOEAcceptance of Installation of Application in QA/Testing environment

    14626ITSS-RAS-07-0043_SAPPHXROMg_PPRAS070043_SAPPHXROMgAcceptance of Release of Core Returns to QA

    14626ITSS-RAS-07-0043_SAPPHXROMg_PPRAS070043_SAPPHXROMgAcceptance of Release of Core Returns to Production & Post production support

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPLCS_Inst_Msg_Rg_ToolSep 07 efforts for FWRR & LCS_Inst_Msg_Rg_Tool as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPLCS_Inst_Msg_Rg_ToolJul 07 efforts for FWRR & LCS_Inst_Msg_Rg_Tool(Differential as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057)

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPLCS_Inst_Msg_Rg_ToolAug 07 efforts for FWRR & LCS_Inst_Msg_Rg_Tool(Differential as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057)

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPOnSite-ResourceSep 07 efforts for Onsite-Resource as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPOnSite-ResourceJul 07 efforts for Onsite-Resource (Differential as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057)

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPOnSite-ResourceAug 07 efforts for Onsite-Resource (Differential as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057)

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPGTS-HoneywellSep 07 support fees for GTS Honeywell , GTS Europe Honeywell , Del-Admin and My_Honeywell as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPGTS-HoneywellJul 07 support fees for GTS Honeywell , GTS Europe Honeywell , Del-Admin and My_Honeywell (Differential as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057)

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPGTS-HoneywellAug 07 support fees for GTS Honeywell , GTS Europe Honeywell , Del-Admin and My_Honeywell (Differential as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057)

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPHGRSep 07 support fees for GTS_DF , HGR , IMAC_Regstrn_Page and OffBoarding/OnBoarding as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPHGRJul 07 support fees for GTS_DF , HGR , IMAC_Regstrn_Page and OffBoarding/OnBoarding (Differential as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057)

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPHGRAug 07 support fees for GTS_DF , HGR , IMAC_Regstrn_Page and OffBoarding/OnBoarding (Differential as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057)

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPHIPI DF/HotDocsIntegSep 07 Efforts for HIPI DF/HotDocsInteg as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPHIPI DF/HotDocsIntegJul 07 Efforts for HIPI DF/HotDocsInteg (Differential as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057)

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPHIPI DF/HotDocsIntegAug 07 Efforts for HIPI DF/HotDocsInteg (Differential as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057)

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPHIPI_LMSSep 07 efforts for HIPI_LMS as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPHIPI_LMSJul 07 efforts for HIPI_LMS (Differential as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057)

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPHIPI_LMSAug 07 efforts for HIPI_LMS (Differential as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057)

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPITSS_Helpdesk_SuppSep 07 efforts for Help_Desk as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPITSS_Helpdesk_SuppJul 07 efforts for Help_Desk (Differential as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057)

    13683ITSS-ADD-07-0057CorpIT-EAS-Support_PPITSS_Helpdesk_SuppAug 07 efforts for Help_Desk (Differential as per ITSS-ADD-07-0057)

    12557LA Technical Support_PPGCA EnhancementsSystem Edits enhancements - Production cutover.

    13112GCP_Global-07_PPGCP_Global-07Customer Award to Gunasekaran Sandeep

    13112GCP_Global-07_PPGCP_Global-07Customer Award to Ramya Ramalinga Moorthy

    13112GCP_Global-07_PPGCP_Global-07Customer Award to Srinath Balu

    13112GCP_Global-07_PPGCP_Global-07Customer Award to Fayaz Mohammad

    13397HAS-S-05-0010 RAS#5HAS-S-05-0010 RAS#5HPD_Detailed_PerfTesting_PPHPD_Detailed_PerfTesScripts on HPD Production

    13397HAS-S-05-0010 RAS#5HAS-S-05-0010 RAS#5HPD_Detailed_PerfTesting_PPHPD_Detailed_PerfTesTest Plan & Strategy

    13397HAS-S-05-0010 RAS#5HAS-S-05-0010 RAS#5HPD_Detailed_PerfTesting_PPHPD_Detailed_PerfTesScripts on Softscape Environment

    134053939403HAS-S-06-0015 RAS#1HPDv3 Enhancment-TM RAS# 1_PPHPD V3 EnhancementsUAT

    134053939403HAS-S-06-0015 RAS#1HPDv3 Enhancment-TM RAS# 1_PPHPD V3 EnhancementsProduction Review

    13769ITSS-D-07-0007ITSS-D-07-0007ITSS-D-07-0007_GTS_Glbl_hom_PPD070007_GTS_Glbl_homAcceptance of Production Release for CanLA site

    13769ITSS-D-07-0007ITSS-D-07-0007ITSS-D-07-0007_GTS_Glbl_hom_PPD070007_GTS_Glbl_homAcceptance of Production Release for GTS home

    13769ITSS-D-07-0007ITSS-D-07-0007ITSS-D-07-0007_GTS_Glbl_hom_PPD070007_GTS_Glbl_homEnd of Warranty

    13769ITSS-CR-07-0037ITSS-CR-07-0037ITSS-D-07-0007_GTS_Glbl_hom_PPD070007_GTS_Glbl_homChange Request 05

    13769ITSS-CR-07-0062ITSS-CR-07-0062ITSS-D-07-0007_GTS_Glbl_hom_PPD070007_GTS_Glbl_homChange Request 06

    13996ITSS-D-07-0015ITSS-D-07-0015ITSS-D-07-0015_Begium_Pyrol_PPD070015_Begium_PyrolUser Orientation and Training

    14153ITSS-D-07-0041ITSS-D-07-0041ITSS-D-07-0041_SF6WebsitDev_PPD070041_SF6WebsitDevAcceptance of Project Schedule

    14153ITSS-D-07-0041ITSS-D-07-0041ITSS-D-07-0041_SF6WebsitDev_PPD070041_SF6WebsitDevRelease to QA

    14153ITSS-D-07-0041ITSS-D-07-0041ITSS-D-07-0041_SF6WebsitDev_PPD070041_SF6WebsitDevAcceptance of User Acceptance Testing

    14153ITSS-D-07-0041ITSS-D-07-0041ITSS-D-07-0041_SF6WebsitDev_PPD070041_SF6WebsitDevAcceptance of production release

    14153ITSS-D-07-0041ITSS-D-07-0041ITSS-D-07-0041_SF6WebsitDev_PPD070041_SF6WebsitDevEnd of Warranty period

    14153ITSS-CR-07-0036ITSS-CR-07-0036ITSS-D-07-0041_SF6WebsitDev_PPD070041_SF6WebsitDevChange Request 2

    14253ITSS-CR-07-0054ITSS-CR-07-0054ITSS-D-07-0056_LDAPMigrn_PPD070056_LDAPMigrnChange Request 01

    14221ITSS-D-07-0058ITSS-D-07-0058ITSS-D-07-0058-SMPolymerWeb_PPD070058-SMPolymerWebAcceptance of Project Schedule

    14221ITSS-D-07-0058ITSS-D-07-0058ITSS-D-07-0058-SMPolymerWeb_PPD070058-SMPolymerWebAcceptance of Release to QA

    14221ITSS-D-07-0058ITSS-D-07-0058ITSS-D-07-0058-SMPolymerWeb_PPD070058-SMPolymerWebAcceptance of User Acceptance testing

    14221ITSS-D-07-0058ITSS-D-07-0058ITSS-D-07-0058-SMPolymerWeb_PPD070058-SMPolymerWebAcceptance of Site in Production

    14221ITSS-D-07-0058-SMPolymerWeb_PPD070058-SMPolymerWebEnf of Warranty

    14439ITSS-D-07-0084_EMEAPuertInt_PPD070084_EMEAPuertIntAcceptance of Project Schedule

    14439ITSS-D-07-0084_EMEAPuertInt_PPD070084_EMEAPuertIntAcceptance of Release in QA

    14439ITSS-D-07-0084_EMEAPuertInt_PPD070084_EMEAPuertIntAcceptance of User Acceptance testing

    14439ITSS-D-07-0084_EMEAPuertInt_PPD070084_EMEAPuertIntAcceptance of Site in Production

    14439ITSS-D-07-0084_EMEAPuertInt_PPD070084_EMEAPuertIntEnd of Warranty

    14439ITSS-CR-07-0056ITSS-CR-07-0056ITSS-D-07-0084_EMEAPuertInt_PPD070084_EMEAPuertIntChange Request 1 as per ITSS-CR-07-0056

    14623ITSS-D-07-0103_RevitalWebP1_PPD070103_RevitalWebP1Acceptance of Release in QA

    14623ITSS-D-07-0103_RevitalWebP1_PPD070103_RevitalWebP1Acceptance of User Acceptance Testing

    14623ITSS-D-07-0103_RevitalWebP1_PPD070103_RevitalWebP1Acceptance of Site in Production

    14623ITSS-CR-07-0101ITSS-D-07-0103_RevitalWebP1_PPD070103_RevitalWebP1Change request 01as per ITSS-CR-07-0101

    14011ITSS-CR-07-0074ITSS-CR-07-0074ITSS-RAS-07-0004_GTSWebPg_PPRAS070004_GTSWebPgChange Request 1 : ITSS-CR-07-0074


    13656ITSS-D-06-0008ITSS-D-06-0008DF_SM_MTO_SecuredAreaAccess_PPDF_SM_MTO_SecArAccssAcceptance of Project Plan

    13656ITSS-D-06-0008ITSS-D-06-0008DF_SM_MTO_SecuredAreaAccess_PPDF_SM_MTO_SecArAccssAcceptance of Prototype

    13882ITSS-D-07-0017ITSS-D-07-0017ITSS-D-07-0017_SMIT_Req_PPD070017_SMIT_ReqAcceptance of Project Plan

    13882ITSS-D-07-0017ITSS-D-07-0017ITSS-D-07-0017_SMIT_Req_PPD070017_SMIT_ReqAcceptance of QA Installed Application

    13882ITSS-D-07-0017ITSS-D-07-0017ITSS-D-07-0017_SMIT_Req_PPD070017_SMIT_ReqAcceptance of Production Application

    13882ITSS-D-07-0017ITSS-D-07-0017ITSS-D-07-0017_SMIT_Req_PPD070017_SMIT_ReqAcceptance of End of Warranty Period

    14185ITSS-D-07-0053ITSS-D-07-0053ITSS-D-07-0053_SMPlntMaint_PPD070053_SMPlntMaintRequirements Document

    14185ITSS-D-07-0053ITSS-D-07-0053ITSS-D-07-0053_SMPlntMaint_PPD070053_SMPlntMaintSAP BW Reports Design and code fixes

    14185ITSS-D-07-0053ITSS-D-07-0053ITSS-D-07-0053_SMPlntMaint_PPD070053_SMPlntMaintInstallation in Quality

    13707ITSS-D-07-0011ITSS-D-07-0011SM_CP_MSPS_SP_Integration_PPSM_CP_MSPS_SP_IntegAcceptance of Design Document

    13707ITSS-D-07-0011ITSS-D-07-0011SM_CP_MSPS_SP_Integration_PPSM_CP_MSPS_SP_IntegChange Request 01

    13707ITSS-D-07-0011ITSS-D-07-0011SM_CP_MSPS_SP_Integration_PPSM_CP_MSPS_SP_IntegAcceptance of End of Warranty

    13707ITSS-D-07-0011ITSS-D-07-0011SM_CP_MSPS_SP_Integration_PPSM_CP_MSPS_SP_IntegAcceptance of Production installed application

    13707ITSS-D-07-0011ITSS-D-07-0011SM_CP_MSPS_SP_Integration_PPSM_CP_MSPS_SP_IntegAcceptance of Test plan

    13707ITSS-D-07-0011ITSS-D-07-0011SM_CP_MSPS_SP_Integration_PPSM_CP_MSPS_SP_IntegAcceptance of End of UAT support

    13707ITSS-D-07-0011ITSS-D-07-0011SM_CP_MSPS_SP_Integration_PPSM_CP_MSPS_SP_IntegAcceptance of QA installed application

    13661SM_PersonalSpendReport_PPSM_PersonalSpendRepDelivery and Acceptance of Project Plan and Schedule

    13661SM_PersonalSpendReport_PPSM_PersonalSpendRepDelivery and Acceptance of Design Document

    13661SM_PersonalSpendReport_PPSM_PersonalSpendRepDelivery and Acceptance of Test Plan

    13661SM_PersonalSpendReport_PPSM_PersonalSpendRepAcceptance of QA Installed Application – Phase 1

    13661SM_PersonalSpendReport_PPSM_PersonalSpendRepApplication installed in production – Phase 1

    13661SM_PersonalSpendReport_PPSM_PersonalSpendRepAcceptance of QA Installed Application – Phase 2

    13661SM_PersonalSpendReport_PPSM_PersonalSpendRepApplication installed in production – Phase 2

    13698ITSS-D-06-0009ITSS-D-06-0009SM_Resins_Chem_SP_Website_PPSM_Resin_Chem_SP_WebDelivery and Acceptance of Project Plan

    13698ITSS-D-06-0009ITSS-D-06-0009SM_Resins_Chem_SP_Website_PPSM_Resin_Chem_SP_WebDelivery and Acceptance of Test Plan

    13698ITSS-D-06-0009ITSS-D-06-0009SM_Resins_Chem_SP_Website_PPSM_Resin_Chem_SP_WebDelivery and Acceptance of Release for User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

    13698ITSS-D-06-0009ITSS-D-06-0009SM_Resins_Chem_SP_Website_PPSM_Resin_Chem_SP_WebDelivery and Acceptance of release on production environment

    13698ITSS-D-06-0009ITSS-D-06-0009SM_Resins_Chem_SP_Website_PPSM_Resin_Chem_SP_WebDelivery and Acceptance of warranty phase

    13698ITSS-CR-07-0023ITSS-CR-07-0023SM_Resins_Chem_SP_Website_PPSM_Resin_Chem_SP_WebChange Request 1

    13611ITSS-D-06-0010ITSS-D-06-0010SM_Specialty_Chem_TeamSite_PPSpecialityChemTeamSiComplete review of Project Plan & Schedule

    13611ITSS-D-06-0010ITSS-D-06-0010SM_Specialty_Chem_TeamSite_PPSpecialityChemTeamSiSM Chemicals Team Site deployed and Signed Off in QA

    13611ITSS-D-06-0010ITSS-D-06-0010SM_Specialty_Chem_TeamSite_PPSpecialityChemTeamSiSM Chemicals Team Site Deployed and Signed Off in Sandbox

    13611ITSS-D-06-0010ITSS-D-06-0010SM_Specialty_Chem_TeamSite_PPSpecialityChemTeamSiEnd of Warranty

    13611ITSS-CR-07-0031ITSS-CR-07-0031SM_Specialty_Chem_TeamSite_PPSpecialityChemTeamSiChange Request 2

    14425ITSS-PS-07-0022_PM_SM BICOE_PPPS070022_PM_SM BICOEProfessional Services for Jun 07

    14425ITSS-PS-07-0022_PM_SM BICOE_PPPS070022_PM_SM BICOEProfessional Services for Jul 07

    14425ITSS-PS-07-0022_PM_SM BICOE_PPPS070022_PM_SM BICOEProfessional Services for Aug 07

    14425ITSS-PS-07-0022_PM_SM BICOE_PPPS070022_PM_SM BICOEProfessional Services for Sep 07

    14278ITSS-S-07-0028_HSS_VMSup_PPS070028_HSS_VMSupvendor Management Digital Forms Support for May 07

    14278ITSS-S-07-0028_HSS_VMSup_PPS070028_HSS_VMSupvendor Management Digital Forms Support for Jun 07

    14278ITSS-S-07-0028_HSS_VMSup_PPS070028_HSS_VMSupVendor Management Digital Forms Support for Jul 07

    14278ITSS-S-07-0028_HSS_VMSup_PPS070028_HSS_VMSupVendor Management Digital Forms Support for Aug 07

    14294ITSS-S-07-0041_SharePtSup_PPS070041_SharePtSupSM Sharepoint Support - Transition in fees

    14294ITSS-S-07-0041_SharePtSup_PPS070041_SharePtSupSM Sharepoint Support - Jun 07

    14294ITSS-ADD-07-0042ITSS-S-07-0041_SharePtSup_PPS070041_SharePtSupSM Sharepoint Support - Jul 07 as per ITSS-ADD-07-0042

    14294ITSS-ADD-07-0042ITSS-S-07-0041_SharePtSup_PPS070041_SharePtSupSM Sharepoint Support - Aug 07 as per ITSS-ADD-07-0042

    14294ITSS-ADD-07-0042ITSS-S-07-0041_SharePtSup_PPS070041_SharePtSupSM Sharepoint Support - Sep 07 as per ITSS-ADD-07-0042

    14015ITSS-D-07-0030ITSS-D-07-0030ITSS-D-07-0030_AutoCol-migr_PPD070030_AutoCol-migrApplication installation setup for QA deployment

    14015ITSS-D-07-0030ITSS-D-07-0030ITSS-D-07-0030_AutoCol-migr_PPD070030_AutoCol-migrApplication installation setup for Production deployment

    14015ITSS-D-07-0030ITSS-D-07-0030ITSS-D-07-0030_AutoCol-migr_PPD070030_AutoCol-migrAcceptance of Application Transition to Support and Warranty

    14346ITSS-D-07-0070_CEProjTrkng_PPD070070_CEProjTrkngApplication Release for QA testing as per ITSS-CR-07-0042

    14346ITSS-D-07-0070_CEProjTrkng_PPD070070_CEProjTrkngApplication release for Production as per ITSS-CR-07-0042

    14392ITSS-RAS-07-0031_HPSPrimInt_PPRAS070031_HPSPrimIntAcceptance of Installation of Application in QA environment

    13903ITSS-ADD-07-0034ITSS-S-07-0011_Glbl_WebCOE_PPS070011_ACSGlbSrc_WbACS Global Sourcing websites support for Sep 07 as per ITSS-ADD-07-0034

    13903ITSS-ADD-07-0034ITSS-S-07-0011_Glbl_WebCOE_PPS070011_ECC_UKMerTrkECC-UK Meridian Tracker support fees for Sep 07 as per ITSS-ADD-07-0034

    13903 ITSS-ADD-07-0034ITSS-S-07-0011_Glbl_WebCOE_PPS070011_ECC_GEMerTrkECC-GE Meridian Tracker support fees for Sep 07 as per ITSS-ADD-07-0034

    14789SFA_Tools_PPE-Gap SupportJul 07 efforts :SFA Tools E-Gap Support :HAS-S-04-0007 Add # 3 ( Differential Amount of Jul 07 : $ 4656 less $ 3961 )

    14789SFA_Tools_PPPrimavera_InterfaceJul 07 efforts :SFA Tools Primavera Interface:HAS-S-04-0007 Add # 3 ( Differential amount billed in Jul 07 : $ 2660 less $ 925 )

    14789SFA_Tools_PPPBS_SupportJul 07 efforts :SFA Tools PBS Support :HAS-S-04-0007 Add # 3 ( Differentail amount of Jul 07: $665 - $226 )

    14789SFA_Tools_PPeEACJul 07 efforts :SFA Tools eEAC :HAS-S-04-0007 Add # 3 ( Differential amount billed for Jul 07 : $1663 less $ 1480 )

    14789SFA_Tools_PPSIOPJul 07 efforts :SFA Tools SIOP :HAS-S-04-0007 Add # 3 ( Differential amount : $1330 Less $ 234 billed in Jul 07 )

    14789SFA_Tools_PPHIETAug 07 efforts :SFA Tools HIET :HAS-S-04-0007 Add # 3 ( after giving a credit of $ 564 for excess billed in Jul 07)

    14789SFA_Tools_PPPBS_SupportAug 07 efforts :SFA Tools PBS Support :HAS-S-04-0007 Add # 3

    14789SFA_Tools_PPPrimavera_InterfaceAug 07 efforts :SFA Tools Primavera Interface:HAS-S-04-0007 Add # 3

    14789SFA_Tools_PPeEACAug 07 efforts :SFA Tools eEAC :HAS-S-04-0007 Add # 3

    14789SFA_Tools_PPE-Gap SupportAug 07 efforts :SFA Tools E-Gap Support :HAS-S-04-0007 Add # 3

    14789SFA_Tools_PPSIOPAug 07 efforts :SFA Tools SIOP :HAS-S-04-0007 Add # 3

    14789SFA_Tools_PPPrimavera_InterfaceSep 07 efforts :SFA Tools Primavera Interface:HAS-S-04-0007 Add # 3

    14789SFA_Tools_PPHIETSep 07 efforts :SFA Tools HIET :HAS-S-04-0007 Add # 3

    14789SFA_Tools_PPeEACSep 07 efforts :SFA Tools eEAC :HAS-S-04-0007 Add # 3 ( Differential amount billed for Jul 07 : $1663 less $ 1480 )

    14789SFA_Tools_PPE-Gap SupportSep 07 efforts :SFA Tools E-Gap Support :HAS-S-04-0007 Add # 3

    14789SFA_Tools_PPPBS_SupportSep 07 efforts :SFA Tools PBS Support :HAS-S-04-0007 Add # 3

    14789SFA_Tools_PPSIOPSep 07 efforts :SFA Tools SIOP :HAS-S-04-0007 Add # 3

    14167ITSS-PS-07-0013_SMBrandSecu_PPPS070013_SMBrandSecuProfessional services for Mar 07

    14167ITSS-PS-07-0013_SMBrandSecu_PPPS070013_SMBrandSecuProfessional services for Apr 07

    14167ITSS-PS-07-0013_SMBrandSecu_PPPS070013_SMBrandSecuProfessional services for May 07

    Raghav's bola projects

    TISTISJan07& Feb 07 Efforts

    TISTISMar07 Efforts

    TISTISApr07 Efforts

    TISTISMay07 Efforts

    Professional services for Jul - Sai P

    Professional services for Aug - Sai P

    Professional services for Sep - Sai P

    SM- Business Warehouse Business Analyst Vishal M

    14190ITSS-PS-07-0014-SMBusAnlyst_PPPS070014-SMBusAnlystProfessional Services for Apr 07

    MCOE Projects

  • I have had this issue before and solved it by changing the format of the excel data from General to String.

    Open the spreadsheet.

    Highlight the column with the mixed data.

    Change the format of the data to String. It is probably set to General.


    DTS Package Search

  • What error are you getting with the Flat File Source?

    And what datatype is the column you're importing this data into?

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • ya, i did the change to general to text, its still giving the problem; at last i deleted all the text values and kept 0 over there; then i got all the numbers

  • This indeed is a very common problem when importing Excel files.

    By default, the jet engine that is used to read the excel source, will make a guess about the datatype of a column, based on the first couple of values in that column. All values that do not fit that datatype (for instance: numbers in a text column) will be ignored (imported as empty).

    You can change this behavior so that all column will be imported as text by adding a extended property in your connectionstring: IMEX=1

    The string should then look something like:

    Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=filename;Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1";

    After importing all values as text, you can convert the columns to the datatype you need them to be (and do some type checking/data cleansing in the process.

    Peter Rijs
    BI Consultant, The Netherlands

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