Previously, we have looked at using OPENJSON to gain knowledge about the JSON document that we have presented to the function.
A bit like this
SELECT * FROM OPENJSON ( ' { "configuration_id": 101, "Configuration name": "recovery interval (min)", "Value": 0, "minimum": 0, "maximum": 32767, "value_in_use": 0, "description": "Maximum recovery interval in minutes", "is_dynamic": true, "is_advanced": true } ' )
Notice that we didn’t request any columns in the SELECT statement, but we got three columns back
- Key
- value
- type
That’s great metadata information – but what if we wanted the actual values from the JSON.
Well, the statement above used OPENJSON with the default schema – which is basically no column list defined. If we want to define a list then we need to use a WITH clause that defines an EXPLICIT schema – like so
SELECT * FROM OPENJSON ( ' { "configuration_id": 101, "Configuration name": "recovery interval (min)", "Value": 0, "minimum": 0, "maximum": 32767, "value_in_use": 0, "description": "Maximum recovery interval in minutes", "is_dynamic": true, "is_advanced": true } ' ) WITH ( [configuration_id] INT ,[Configuration name] NVARCHAR(35) ,[Value] NVARCHAR(200) ,[minimum] NVARCHAR(200) ,[maximum] NVARCHAR(200) ,[value_in_use] NVARCHAR(200) ,[description] NVARCHAR(200) ,[is_dynamic] BIT ,[is_advanced] BIT ); GO
You might also notice that the names in the WITH clause match those in the JSON document – We can also add these as a column list to the SELECT statement, rather than using SELECT *
Notice also that if we ask for a value in the WITH clause that does not appear in the JSON document (maybe because of a typo) then we simply get a NULL returned in the SELECT list.
Notice here that the name of the first column is incorrect. So we get a null in the resultset.
SELECT * FROM OPENJSON ( ' { "configuration_id": 101, "Configuration name": "recovery interval (min)", "Value": 0, "minimum": 0, "maximum": 32767, "value_in_use": 0, "description": "Maximum recovery interval in minutes", "is_dynamic": true, "is_advanced": true } ' ) WITH ( [configuration_if] INT ,[Configuration name] NVARCHAR(35) ,[Value] NVARCHAR(200) ,[minimum] NVARCHAR(200) ,[maximum] NVARCHAR(200) ,[value_in_use] NVARCHAR(200) ,[description] NVARCHAR(200) ,[is_dynamic] BIT ,[is_advanced] BIT ); GO
This is perhaps one reason that we should include an explicit column list in the SELECT statement
SELECT [configuration_id] ,[Configuration name] ,[Value] ,[minimum] ,[maximum] ,[value_in_use] ,[description] ,[is_dynamic] ,[is_advanced] FROM OPENJSON ( ' { "configuration_id": 101, "Configuration name": "recovery interval (min)", "Value": 0, "minimum": 0, "maximum": 32767, "value_in_use": 0, "description": "Maximum recovery interval in minutes", "is_dynamic": true, "is_advanced": true } ' ) WITH ( [configuration_id] INT ,[Configuration name] NVARCHAR(35) ,[Value] NVARCHAR(200) ,[minimum] NVARCHAR(200) ,[maximum] NVARCHAR(200) ,[value_in_use] NVARCHAR(200) ,[description] NVARCHAR(200) ,[is_dynamic] BIT ,[is_advanced] BIT ); GO
And we pretty much see exactly what we had before.
Next up is some more useful tips about OPENJSON
Have a great day
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