Another post for me that is simple and hopefully serves as an example for people trying to get blogging as #SQLNewBloggers.
In a previous post, I installed SSAS on a machine. Now I need to connect to it. This post covers a quick, how do I do that.
Do connect in SSMS, you can use the Object Explorer. If you click the down arrow on the Connect button, you’ll see choices.
If you pick SSAS, you get a similar connection dialog. The SSAS instance is named the same as your base instance. In this case, I had a named instance, so I enter the same name as I’d use for the database engine.
There’s not much to see, but I’m connected. My installation is working.
I could also connect with a query window. The toolbar has a couple choices.
For MDX:
For DAX:
For either one of these, the connection process is the same.
After the post where I installed SSAS, I needed to test it. Rather than add that to the post, I ran through the steps, grabbed sceenshots, and then wrote this post as a second one.
Focus on one thing, not multiple things, in a post.