Is it possible to show the number of users that rated an article or script?

  • As a relative newbie looking for tips and best practices, I really appreciate the ratings that other users have given an article or a script. Unfortunately, if I only see the rating and not how many people have rated it, I don't have a complete picture of how well the author really did or if the method is actually a good practice or not. For example, the author and his buddy could rate an article with 5 stars, or 100 people could rate an article and its overall rating is 4.5 stars, to me, the latter would carry more weight as being identified as a good practice.

    Thanks for your time.


    PS. Oh yeah, I like the new site and thanks for all your hard work.

  • Scott,

    Thanks and I'll add this to the list. Probably a low priority, but it does make some sense to see the number of votes as well as the rating.


  • In the mean time, you can check out the rating decomposition article which was posted this week!! That'll be a fun read for you at the moment!!

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