Variable in Select

  • I am trying to get a list of roles from a specific set of DB's. My DB's are stored in a table along with the server name. So, I concatenate the values together to get something like 'EX_SERVER_NAME.EX_DB_NAME.dbo.sysusers'.

    Here is the select I want to run:

    select uid, name

    from sysusers

    where issqlrole = 1

    and gid > 0

    However, I want to know what the values are on another server and DB.

    So, instead of '...from sysusers..., I want ...from 'EX_SERVER_NAME.EX_DB_NAME.dbo.sysusers'. But I can't hardcode the value because I am getting it from a table and putting it into a variable. And '...from @db_full_name...' won't compile. Can I do this?

  • declare @variable varchar(2000)

    set @variable = 'select * ...from' + @server + '.' +......

    exec (@varible)

    * Noel

  • I have a proc with this:

    DECLARE @TempRoles TABLE

    (db_name char(25),

    app_name char(25),

    db_role char(25),

    role_dscr varchar(255))

    select @select_var = 'INSERT INTO @TempRoles (db_name, app_name, db_role, role_dscr).........

    The proc compiles OK but when I run it I get:'Must declare the variable '@TempRoles'.'

    If I do ...'INSERT INTO ' +@TempRoles+' (db_name, app_name,...

    the proc won;t compile and I get::'Must declare the variable '@TempRoles'.'

  • If you declare a variable, it is only visible in the context of your connection. If you then use EXEC @select_var to run some code that contains the name of that variable, this is run in a different context and so the variable is not visible. You will either need to declare the table within the code that you run with EXEC, or use a permanent table or global temporary table.

    Hope that makes sense


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