SQL2019 AG setup on Azure with working Listener but not being shown

  • I setup a Windows 2019 cluster and SQL2019 AG on Azure for some proof of concept that I need for work. The failover and SQL connection to the Listener works, but does not show the Listener in Management studion neither via TSQL, so something is not right.

    I followed Microsoft documentation found here:


    Which seems a bit odd, as Windows 2019 does not let me use a static IP for the cluster , not sure if that's related or not.

    Has someone faced this issue before, any ideas? I've attached a screenshot for reference.

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  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • If you look at the Cluster Resources does it have the IP address of the Azure Load Balancer?

    Does the AlwaysON Work? Failover and Failback?

    Did you run the PoweRShell Script with the correct parameters?

    Try to add the listener manually once the Load balancer and powershell scripts are correct.

    I had an issue like that before a long time ago but can't remember what I did to make it appear.

    However, even if it does not appear but the AlwaysOn works (Failover, failback, reboot one node, shutdown one node etc) then it might be a bug.


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