Blog Post

Daily Coping 22 Apr 2020


I’ve started to add a daily coping tip to the SQLServerCentral newsletter, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m adding my responses for each day here.

Today’s tip is to look for the good in others and notice their strengths.

This has been a trying time, and the stress, the close quarters, the lack of variety, it’s made many of us cranky. Certainly it’s made me cranky at times.

Twitter is the worst, but all social media can test one’s patience. It doesn’t really matter which way you lean on an issue, there are plenty of people that will annoy you. Since social media is a bit of my job, I’m slightly trapped at times.

What I’ve done is to a) try to stop reacting, and b) appreciate the other point of view. I know most people with a strong opinion that differs from mine are not looking to make things worse. They often have a reason for their own view of the world, and I am trying to take a deep breath, respect that, and then think about things from their point of view. It’s helping.

When I can actually avoid reacting quickly.


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