Blog Post

Daily Coping 21 Apr 2020


I’ve started to add a daily coping tip to the SQLServerCentral newsletter, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m adding my responses for each day here.

Today’s Tip is: Connect with nature. Breathe and notice life continuing.

That’s an easy one for me. I live on a ranch, and get outside regularly with the dogs or helping with horses. Lately we’ve been rehabbing a dog after surgery, so I get out there a few times a day and walk her around, trying to build muscle.

As I do, I make it a point to appreciate the clean, fresh air, to look at the amazing sky and wonderful world. I’m blessed and lucky I get to live in a beautiful place. Here are two consecutive days in CO recently.



I also appreciate the wildlife around. I stopped on the way home to snap this shot of my neighbor’s property since I could see mine in the background to the right.


Nature and animals make our lives richer and I try to remember that.

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