Blog Post

Daily Coping 16 Apr 2020


I’ve started to add a daily coping tip to the SQLServerCentral newsletter, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m adding my responses for each day here.

Today’s tip is to put your worries into perspective and try to let them go.

Easier said than done.

Much easier said than done.

I think part of the problem for me is that I’m just always on uneven footing. One day I think things are fine, the next I wonder if the world is really going to crash around me.

I really, really try hard to keep things in perspective. Getting to talk to other people has been good. We had a great, 4-5 person call for T-SQL Tuesday Live this week, and apart from some technical discussions, we got to help each other keep perspective on the world as it is today.

Which is vastly different from two weeks ago, even more different from Mar 1, and an almost indescribable different from last September.

Putting things into perspective is hard. As an example. I go to the grocer every 3-4 days, mostly to get more fresh fruit and veggies. Since Mar 15 or so, every time I walk into the store, I feel like I’m getting sick. My throat starts to feel dry or sore. My nose might run. Eyes itch more. I feel like I’m breathing thick, germ filled air. It’s eerie.

I leave, and I mentally chastise myself for the silliness.

I’ve started wearing a bandana, and I’ve felt slightly better, but still it’s disconcerting, and all in my head. I tell myself to keep perspective, but I still struggle.

Writing this helps. Maybe it helps some of you. Maybe you can say something that helps me, other than “just stop.” I don’t need that and neither does anyone else right now.

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