Adjusting CTE MAXRECURSION intelligently

  • We have a Stored Procedure that uses a recursive CTE and, from time to time, the Stored Procedure fails because the maximum recursion of 100 (the default) has been reached.

    We'd like to adjust this value this to ensure that:

    a.  The Stored Procedure never fails for that reason

    b. The MAXRECURSION value is set to a value that permits a. but doesn't allow for an infinite loop.

    Is there any way that, given some test data, one can find out how many recursive calls there have been?  I've been experimenting with PRINT statements but they don't seem to work ...

    Thanks in advance


  • to find out how many recursions then put an int as your anchor, then keep incrementing it

    something like this (I copied and pasted from another site)

    WITH   cte

    AS     (SELECT 1 AS n -- anchor member


    SELECT n + 1 -- recursive member

    FROM   cte

    WHERE  n < 50 -- terminator


    SELECT n

    FROM   cte;

    I don't normally recommend using print statements (in sql agent they cause so many other things in the job log it becomes unreadable)

    the "where n<50" stops your infinite loop , question is... why do you want to vary it? do you just want to figure out the value or are you trying to do it dynamically (I do not recommend that)


  • Normally when I am working with rCTE I add a column to prevent circular dependencies (which is what normally causes the max recursion error)

    example below is to do with Active Directory group membership

    briefly - a Group can contain more Groups up to the point where all members are Users

    but in some cases group A contains B, B contains C and C contains A - this is a circular reference and would give an error.

    As such I setup a "call stack" with the group name (domain + name) - and on the union all part of the CTE if that combination already exists on the stack then it is a recursive and we ignore it

    with DepTree
    ( GroupDomain
    , GroupName
    , MemberDomain
    , MemberName
    , callstack
    , NestLevel
    as (select o.GroupDomain as GroupDomain
    , o.GroupName as GroupName
    , o.SourceDomain as MemberDomain
    , o.SamAccountName as MemberName
    , cast('|' + o.SourceDomain + '|' + o.SamAccountName + '|' as nvarchar(max)) as callstack
    , 0 as NestLevel
    from #groupsmembers o

    union all

    select r.GroupDomain as GroupDomain
    , r.GroupName as GroupName
    , o.SourceDomain as MemberDomain
    , o.SamAccountName as MemberName
    , callstack + o.SourceDomain + '|' + o.SamAccountName + '|' as callstack
    , NestLevel + 1 as NestLevel
    from DepTree r
    join #groupsmembers o
    on o.GroupDomain = r.MemberDomain
    and o.GroupName = r.MemberName
    where callstack not like '%|' + o.MemberDomain + '|' + o.SamAccountName + '|%'



    Specifies the maximum number of recursions allowed for this query. number is a nonnegative integer between 0 and 32,767. When 0 is specified, no limit is applied. If this option isn't specified, the default limit for the server is 100.

    When the specified or default number for MAXRECURSION limit is reached during query execution, the query ends and an error returns.

    Because of this error, all effects of the statement are rolled back. If the statement is a SELECT statement, partial results or no results may be returned. Any partial results returned may not include all rows on recursion levels beyond the specified maximum recursion level.

    The maximum you can set it to is 32,767, if you use this value you will not get an infinite loop but it will allow the most recursions before it gives up.


  • Thanks everyone.  I agree about not using PRINT statements, but I was not planning on adding this to the production code, just during the debugging process.  The reason I want to do this is because it's occasionally running up against the default MAXRECURSION value, and I wanted to find out how many actual recursions were being called ... if it were 101 then that would merely be irritating; if it were 101,000 that would be a problem!  I know about the 32,767 and 0 values, but I want to be able to set the value to a sensible figure that will allow the code to run without failing, but also without breaking anything!

  • Just out of interest... is this an update proc or a select proc?


  • MVDBA (Mike Vessey) wrote:

    Just out of interest... is this an update proc or a select proc?

    It uses the recursive CTE to populate some memory tables, which are then used in a succession of INSERT statements, then a MERGE and finally an UPDATE and a DELETE.  It's what would probably be called in a C# coding context a "God Class".  Given half a chance I'd probably refactor it, but this is regression testing and there isn't much appetite for more of the same!  If it helps. the target databases are SAGE and MESTEC.

  • you can easily update the code I supplied to flag when a circular happened - I would be pretty sure that that is what is happening to you

    potentially outputting the value of circularcall, nestlevel and other details onto a new table to report on it.

    this in conjunction with setting the max recursion level high enough you can see what values are causing you issues.

           , cast('|' + o.SourceDomain  + '|' + o.SamAccountName + '|' as nvarchar(max)) as callstack
    , 0 as circularcall
    , 0 as NestLevel
    from #groupsmembers o


    , case when callstack like '%|' + o.MemberDomain + '|' + o.SamAccountName + '|%' then 1 else 0 end as circularcall
    , NestLevel + 1 as NestLevel
    from DepTree r
    join #groupsmembers o
    on o.GroupDomain = r.MemberDomain
    and o.GroupName = r.MemberName
    where r.circularcall = 0
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