Thanks for joining us at the first annual SQLSaturday Baton Rouge Business Intelligence yesterday, put on by the Baton Rouge Analytics and Intelligence Network (#GOBRAIN!), an official chapter of PASS. Congrats to Balaji, Thomas, John, Katie, Andy and the rest of the organizers and volunteers on a successful event.
It was great to see so many new and familiar business intelligence faces in the Speaker Room in the morning, and spending the day in the brand new Taylor Hall at LSU, which back in my day was called CEBA, and hosted the first few SQLSaturday Baton Rouge events starting in 2009.
I had the pleasure of facilitating a panel on Careers in Business Intelligence for a full room of students and jobseekers after lunch, with a fantastic panel featuring:
- Ganesh Lohani
- Chris Hyde
- Sekou Tyler
- Leslie Andrews
- Anandi Subramanian
- with guest appearance from Amy Herold. (lol)
Take away from the Careers in BI panel - do something that scares you. #sqlsaturdayBatonRougeBI #GOBRAINβ Mistress SQL (@texasamy) March 7, 2020
Find someone who looks at you like @hrtact is looking at this projector screen behind me#sqlsatbrbi #sqlsatbr #sqlsatβ William Assaf (@william_a_dba) March 7, 2020