Cannot connect to SQL Server, which is on VirtualBox, through my host computer

  • I have successfully pinged and telnet my virtualbox with my host computer but when I go to connect to the sql server with workbench I get the following error: 'Lost connection to MySQL server at 'waiting for initial communication packet', system error: 60'.

    Have tried everything it seems like and cannot seem to fix the issue.

    Ultimate goal is have access to this through a WorkBench on a seperate computer.

  • So is it SQL Server you are connecting to or MySQL?  This is a SQL Server forum, and MySQL Workbench will not be able to connect to Microsoft SQL Server.

  • Okay so my thinking may be wrong (first SQL server I am building).

    I have an SQL Server Management Studio server set up on a virtual box and thought that I could connect to it remotely through MySQL my thinking wrong?

  • "SQL Server Management Studio" is not a server, that is the SQL Server client tool, the equivalent of MySQL Workbench.

    Even if you do have a SQL Server instance installed, MySQL Workbench cannot connect to it.  It would essentially be speaking a different language than the SQL Server instance.

  • Okay I understand now.

    Thank you for clearing that up for me.

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