Name columns for a pivot

  • I want to put this comment column in 1 row.  I have a pivot that is working but I don't know how to name the columns "comment1", "comment2", "comment3".  Can you please help.

    The data:

    SQL code:

    Select * 
    from MeritusMmPoComments
    Pivot (max(Comment)
    FOR CommentSeqID in ([1],[2],[3],[4])) As pvt

    My pivot results:


  • Select SourceId, PurchasOrderID, AppearsOn, RowUpdateDateTime, 
    [1] comment1,
    [2] comment2,
    [3] comment3
    from MeritusMmPoComments
    Pivot (max(Comment)
    FOR CommentSeqID in ([1],[2],[3],[4])) As pvt
  • That worked...thanks!

    I have a separate related issue now.

    The data looks like this

    When I run this code:

    Select SourceID, PurchaseOrderID, [1] as Comment1, [2] as Comment2, [3] as Comment3, [4] as Comment4  
    from MeritusMmPoComments
    Pivot (max(Comment)
    FOR CommentSeqID in ([1],[2],[3],[4])) As pvt
    where PurchaseOrderID = '494819' and sourceid = 'WAC'

    The results look like this:

    I was expecting Comment3 to be on line 1 and not have 2 rows.  But I think RowUpdateDateTime column is causing this issue.  How can i get this to be on 1 row and not 2?


  • If you give an example of the input you have and the output you expect I might be able to help. From your description I can't really work out what you want the output to be.

  • This is the input data:

    This is what I would like it to look like:


  • Couldn't you just write it without PIVOT like this?

    ;with MeritusMmPoComments as
    Select * FROM (VALUES
    ('WAC', 494819,1,'ALL','Joe Fleichman/81-2035','2017-08-30 13:14:00'),
    ('WAC', 494819,2,'ALL','VISA: $183.95','2017-08-30 13:14:00'),
    ('WAC', 494819,3,'ALL','ORDER# 98168','2017-08-30 13:14:00')) T(SourceID,PurchaseOrderID,CommentSeqID,AppearsOn,Comment,RowUpdateDateTime)
    SELECT x.SourceID,
    MAX(IIF(x.CommentSeqID=1,x.Comment,NULL)) Comment1,
    MAX(IIF(x.CommentSeqID=2,x.Comment,NULL)) Comment2,
    MAX(IIF(x.CommentSeqID=3,x.Comment,NULL)) Comment3,
    MAX(IIF(x.CommentSeqID=4,x.Comment,NULL)) Comment4
    FROM MeritusMmPoComments x
    GROUP BY x.SourceID,x.PurchaseOrderID,x.AppearsOn
  • I think it works better with the pivot because I am joining it to create a new table...

    Into POInfo 
    From MeritusMmPO as PO
    Left Join MeritusMmPOLines as POL
    ON PO.SourceID = POL.SourceID AND
    PO.PurchaseOrderID = POL.PurchaseOrderID
    Left Join (Select SourceID, PurchaseOrderID, [1] as Comment1, [2] as Comment2, [3] as Comment3, [4] as Comment4
    from MeritusMmPoComments
    Pivot (max(Comment)
    FOR CommentSeqID in ([1],[2],[3],[4])) As pvt) as POC
    ON PO.SourceID = POC.SourceID AND
    PO.PurchaseOrderID = POC.PurchaseOrderID
    Where Cast(PO.OrderDateTime as Date) >= '12/01/2016'
  • Just put it in an OUTER APPLY:

    Into POInfo
    From MeritusMmPO as PO
    Left Join MeritusMmPOLines as POL
    ON PO.SourceID = POL.SourceID AND
    PO.PurchaseOrderID = POL.PurchaseOrderID
    MAX(IIF(POC.CommentSeqID=1,POC.Comment,NULL)) Comment1,
    MAX(IIF(POC.CommentSeqID=2,POC.Comment,NULL)) Comment2,
    MAX(IIF(POC.CommentSeqID=3,POC.Comment,NULL)) Comment3,
    MAX(IIF(POC.CommentSeqID=4,POC.Comment,NULL)) Comment4
    FROM MeritusMmPoComments POC
    WHERE PO.SourceID = POC.SourceID
    AND PO.PurchaseOrderID = POC.PurchaseOrderID
    GROUP BY POC.SourceID,POC.PurchaseOrderID,POC.AppearsOn) as POC
    Where Cast(PO.OrderDateTime as Date) >= '12/01/2016'
  • Jonathan, This works great!  thanks!

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