February 9, 2020 at 7:28 pm
I developed the below code to scan through cluster error issues happening in the last 48 hrs. But if I need to insert the reocrds to a table, how to achieve the need?
Get-EventLog -LogName "system" -after (((get-date).AddDays(-2)).date) | where {$_.InstanceId -eq 1069 -or $_.InstanceId -eq 1045 -or $_.InstanceId -eq 1205 -or $_.InstanceId -eq 1254} |select-Object Timegenerated, EventId, EntryType, Source, Message | Format-Table -autosize -Wrap;
$servername = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$sObj = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_SystemServices -ComputerName $ServerName
if ($sObj | select PartComponent | where {$_ -like "*ClusSvc*"})
Write-Output "$ServerName is Clustered"
$Event = Get-EventLog -LogName "system" -after (((get-date).AddDays(-15)).date) | where {$_.InstanceId -eq 1069 -or $_.InstanceId -eq 1045 -or $_.InstanceId -eq 1205 -or $_.InstanceId -eq 1254} |
select-Object Timegenerated, EventId, EntryType, Source, Message | Format-Table -autosize -Wrap;
foreach($Events in $Event)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[LogTable]
,[Message] )
, '$Message')
Invoke-SQLcmd -ServerInstance $servername -Database [XYZ] -Query $insertquery -U XX -Password XX
Write-Output "$ServerName is Not clustered"
February 9, 2020 at 8:15 pm
google for "winevents load to sql server" and you will find a few examples of how to do it
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