Post form invoke web-request


    The following code works, but now i'm trying to find the usebasicparsing equivalent. The page in question is an form.

    Are there any code sample to retrieve Forms.Fields with usebasicparsing?

    $Uri = "UrlWithForm"
    $result = Invoke-WebRequest $Uri -SessionVariable my_session -TimeoutSec 60 -UseDefaultCredentials
    #Try to change some fields from searchform
    $form = $result.Forms['aspnetForm']
    $form.Fields['ctl00$MainContent$MyTextBox'] = "ABC"
    #Post fields to retrieve the required item
    $mainPage = Invoke-WebRequest $Uri -WebSession $my_session -Body $form.Fields -Method Post -TimeoutSec 60 -UseDefaultCredentials
    #Verify we got a result
    $DatabaseTrueFound=$webpagina | Where {$_.Content -match 'ABC'}
    return $DatabaseTrueFound -ne $null ?
    $Uri = "UrlWithForm"
    #GetWebPage with basicparsing
    $result = Invoke-WebRequest $Uri -SessionVariable my_session -TimeoutSec 60 -UseDefaultCredentials -UseBasicParsing
    #Try to change some fields from searchform
    $result2 = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ($Uri) -Method POST -Body $postParams -UseDefaultCredentials -WebSession $my_session -TimeoutSec 60
    #Verify we got a result, Always fails, not all fields passed
    $DatabaseTrueFound=$webpagina | Where {$_.Content -match 'ABC'}
    return $DatabaseTrueFound -ne $null


  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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