SSPI Provider: Server Not Found in Kerberos database on Linux SQL 2017 using Domain accounts

  • Ok, I have followed the steps from to try and fix this issue as well as the SUSE/Redhat documentation for connecting to an AD server.

    The servers are on the domain, I can log into the servers with my domain credentials but when I attempt to login to SQL as a domain user ( that is a Sysadmin on the SQL Server ) I get a the Login failed, the login is from an Untrusted domain and cannot be used with integrated authentication ( Error 18452) when attempting to use SSMS from a Windows box that works if I log in with a local account from it.  When I log in as the domain user on the linux box I get the SSPI Provider: Server not found in Kerberos database and Cannot Generate SSPI context. Iif I use sqlcmd for a local user connecting to the FQDN of either server it connects fine.  I haven't touched Linux from an Admin standpoint in over 15 years.

    This is on both a SUSE and a Redhat server in our test environment. Not a big deal for me but our users are complaining because they now need a local account to log in for testing purposes instead of just using their domain accounts like the Windows side of things. Any help is greatly appreciated, most of what I am finding online just points me back to the Microsoft document and I have basically rebuilt the servers a couple times trying to add it to the domain before installing SQL and also after installing SQL to see if that made any difference, get the same error both ways.

  • Have you an SPN for the server name your using in your connection string? Is SQL Server running under a domain account?

  • Joe Torre - Wednesday, September 5, 2018 10:18 AM

    Have you an SPN for the server name your using in your connection string? Is SQL Server running under a domain account?

    Yes, all those items are part of the Microsoft document that I referenced above.

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