please help me in my database design

  • Hi Every One,

          I am new to this forum.I have a database design issue that is I Possible please help me in my database ui rating the will be entered for skill and task(skill one(n) and task one(n)) that is skills vs tasks ui will be in the following formate.i need to store the values in the database.can u suggest me with good database design

    Tasks (INPUT B)                   Motivating your team                     Coaching and mentoring                                       

    skills (INPUT A)                               

    Communication skills                                                          3                                                          3

    Negotiating skills                                                                 0                                                          1

    Learning styles                                                                    3                                                          3




    Thanks & Regards,


  • You didn't really provide enough information for a complete analysis of the data/situation to be modeled but assuming you need to end up with a grid similiar to what you displayed and that the "tasks"/"skills" are variable (i.e. are not limited to just what you provided) try something like this: (NOTE: Only the "create table" statements are important, the rest is just fluff to help evaluate the design).

    if object_id('skills_tasks') is not null drop table skills_tasks

    if object_id('tasks') is not null drop table tasks

    if object_id('skills') is not null drop table skills


    --Create the tables

    create table tasks (id int not null identity(1,1), task varchar(40), primary key (id))

    create table skills (id int not null identity(1,1), skill varchar(40), primary key (id))

    create table skills_tasks (id int not null identity(1,1), task_id int, skill_id int, points int, primary key (id),

        constraint fk_skills_tasks_01 foreign key (task_id) references tasks (id),

        constraint fk_skills_tasks_02 foreign key (skill_id) references skills (id))


    --load the tables with the data provided

    insert into tasks (task)

     select 'Motivating your team' union all

        select 'Coaching and mentoring'

    insert into skills (skill)

     select 'Communication skills' union all

        select 'Negotiating skills' union all

        select 'Learning Styles'


    insert into skills_tasks (task_id,skill_id,points)

     select 1,1,3 union all

        select 1,2,0 union all

        select 1,3,3 union all

     select 2,1,3 union all

     select 2,2,1 union all

     select 2,3,3

    --Show some likely outputs

    select task, skill, points

     from skills_tasks st join skills s on st.skill_id =

                             join tasks t on st.task_id =


  • Thank you very much james

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Your welcome.  However I'd like to know if I just did you homework?  If I did let me know what grade I got

    If it wasn't homework I hope I helped, if it was please indicate in all future posts that you are working a homework assignment and post what you have of the solution.  There are plenty of folks here (including myself) that will be happy to assist you in solving the problem (without doing all the work for you which doesn't result in you learning anything).


  • See james..

          I just Asked for the suggestion,i didn't ask you to create all these things.who doesn't know Creating tables and joins.i can do my home work well..there is no need for you to do it for me any way thanks for your help.

    Thanks & Regards,




    Thanks & Regards,


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