How can I avoid use cursor to implement the following? I read that it can be done with CTE but I didn't get it working with the same result.
In the example I am using two tables, the first one is the holders table containing a list of people and the transfers table where each transfer indicates a change at a specific record of the first table.
Below you can see the code, which brings the right results:
create table #holders(Person VARCHAR(50), Kind VARCHAR(50), Pctg FLOAT)
create table #transfers(Person_FROM VARCHAR(50), Person_To VARCHAR(50), Kind VARCHAR(50), Pctg_New FLOAT, Eff_Date DATE)
insert into #holders
select 'Person One', 'Kind 1', 50 union all
select 'Person Two', 'Kind 1', 50 union all
select 'Person Three', 'Kind 1', NULL union all
select 'Person Four', 'Kind 1', NULL union all
select 'Person One', 'Kind 2', 100
insert into #transfers
select 'Person One', 'Person A', 'Kind 1', 70, '2019-12-31' union all
select 'Person Two', 'Person B', 'Kind 1', 30, '2020-01-01' union all
select 'Person A', 'Person A1', 'Kind 1', 70, '2020-01-02' union all
select 'Person A', 'Person A2', 'Kind 1', 70, '2020-01-03' union all --Should Avoided
select 'Person A2', 'Person A3', 'Kind 1', 70, '2020-01-04' union all --Should Avoided
select 'Person A1', 'Person A4', 'Kind 1', 70, '2020-01-05'
@Person_FROM varchar(50),
@Person_To varchar(50),
@Kind varchar(50),
@Pctg_New float
declare cur cursor for select Person_FROM, Person_To, Kind, Pctg_New from #transfers order by Eff_Date
open cur
fetch next from cur into @Person_FROM, @Person_To, @Kind, @Pctg_New
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin
update #holders set Person = @Person_To, Pctg = @Pctg_New where Person = @Person_FROM AND Kind = @Kind
fetch next from cur into @Person_FROM, @Person_To, @Kind, @Pctg_New
close cur
deallocate cur
SELECT * FROM #holders
drop table #holders
drop table #transfers
The results should be exactly the following:
I think that the key is it is needed serialized update (order by Eff_Date) and some kind of recursive (The first line should update 3 times using this flow: "Person One" --> "Person A" --> "Person A1" --> "Person A4").
Any help is welcome! Thanks in advance
January 24, 2020 at 2:32 pm
Yuck! I started on this before spotting the need for some sort of recursion, to make the Person A4 bit work.
If I had more time, I think that I would first build a query to create an 'enhanced' #transfers table. This version would contain straight mappings (Person One to Person A4 etc), making the rest of exercise trivial.
The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
- Martin Rees
The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
- Phil Parkin
January 24, 2020 at 2:37 pm
What are you really trying to do here? Why overwrite, when you could just capture the history by adding a date of transfer or something and have the whole history?
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Here's a recursive CTE solution
WITH Recur AS (
SELECT Person_FROM AS Person_FROM_Start, Person_FROM, Person_To, Kind, Pctg_New, Eff_Date
FROM #transfers
SELECT ts.Person_FROM_Start, te.Person_FROM, te.Person_To, te.Kind, te.Pctg_New, te.Eff_Date
FROM Recur ts
INNER JOIN #transfers te ON ts.Person_To = te.Person_FROM AND ts.Kind = te.Kind AND te.Eff_Date > ts.Eff_Date
Results AS (
SELECT Person_FROM_Start,Person_To,Kind,Pctg_New,Eff_Date,
FROM Recur
SELECT ISNULL(r.Person_To,h.Person) AS Person, h.Kind, ISNULL(r.Pctg_New,h.Pctg) AS Pctg
FROM #holders h
LEFT OUTER JOIN Results r ON r.Person_FROM_Start = h.Person AND r.Kind = h.Kind AND r.rn = 1;
Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before
How to get the best help on a forum 24, 2020 at 4:31 pm
Super! Thanks a lot
January 24, 2020 at 4:32 pm
No need for a cte:
update h
set h.Person = t.Person_To,
h.Pctg = t.Pctg_New
from #holders h
inner join #transfers t
on t.Kind = h.Kind
and t.Person_FROM = h.Person
January 24, 2020 at 4:38 pm
No need for a cte:
update h
set h.Person = t.Person_To,
h.Pctg = t.Pctg_New
from #holders h
inner join #transfers t
on t.Kind = h.Kind
and t.Person_FROM = h.Person
This does not correctly update Person One.
The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
- Martin Rees
The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
- Phil Parkin
January 24, 2020 at 4:38 pm
Hi @jonathan-2 AC Roberts
Thanks for your answer
Applied this update the results will be:
Person Kind Pctg
Person A Kind 1 70
Person B Kind 1 30
Person Three Kind 1 NULL
Person Four Kind 1 NULL
Person One Kind 2 100
which are incorrect
January 24, 2020 at 4:44 pm
Jonathan AC Roberts wrote:No need for a cte:
update h
set h.Person = t.Person_To,
h.Pctg = t.Pctg_New
from #holders h
inner join #transfers t
on t.Kind = h.Kind
and t.Person_FROM = h.PersonThis does not correctly update Person One.
Ah, yes! I see why the recursive CTE was suggested now.
January 24, 2020 at 6:17 pm
Nicely done Mark Cowne. My attempt avoids the inequality on date (which makes me nervous) but is otherwise the same.
t_rn_cte(person_from, person_to, kind, pctg_new, eff_date, row_num) as (
t.*, row_number() over(partition by person_from, kind order by eff_date asc) row_num
#transfers t),
t_cte(orig_person_from, person_from, person_to, kind, pctg_new, eff_date, h_level) as (
t.person_from, t.person_from, t.person_to, t.kind, t.pctg_new, t.eff_date, 0
t_rn_cte t
union all
hc.orig_person_from, t.person_from, t.person_to, t.kind, t.pctg_new, t.eff_date, hc.h_level+1
t_rn_cte t
t_cte hc on t.person_from=hc.person_to
and t.kind=hc.kind
and t.row_num=1),
t_level_rn_cte(orig_person_from, person_from, person_to, kind, pctg_new, eff_date, h_level, row_num) as (
tc.*, row_number() over(partition by orig_person_from, kind order by h_level desc) row_num
t_cte tc)
coalesce(tc.person_to, h.person) person,
coalesce(tc.pctg_new, h.Pctg) pctg
#holders h
left join
t_level_rn_cte tc on h.person=tc.orig_person_from
and h.kind=tc.kind
and tc.row_num=1
order by
coalesce(tc.person_to, h.person) asc;
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