Error - Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition

  • Hi

    ALTER procedure [dbo].[GST_Report_GSTR3B_APAR_Test](
    @fromDate date,
    @toDate date,
    @locGSTN nvarchar(15))

    IF object_id('GST_Report_GSTR3B_APAR_Tab','u') is not null
    drop table GST_Report_GSTR3B_APAR_Tab

    select t0.*
    into GST_Report_GSTR3B_APAR_Tab
    from (select case when ObjType = 14 then -BaseSum
    else BaseSum end as BaseSum,
    case when ObjType = 14 then -IGSTSum
    else IGSTSum end as IGSTSum,
    case when ObjType = 14 then -CGSTSum
    else CGSTSum end as CGSTSum,
    case when ObjType = 14 then -SGSTSum
    else SGSTSum end as SGSTSum,
    case when ObjType = 14 then -CessSum
    else CessSum end as CessSum,
    'GR' as ItemTaxType ,CardName,DocEntry,DocNum,DocDate,LocGSTN
    from GST_ODOC_Result_Ignore_RvsCharge t0
    where ObjType in (13, 14)
    and (ItemTaxType <> 'GE' and PureNilRateDoc = 'N')
    and not (ImpOrExp = 'Y' and ExportType <> 'D')
    ) t0
    insert into GST_Report_GSTR3B_APAR_Tab
    select case when ObjType = 14 then -BaseSum
    else BaseSum end as BaseSum,
    case when ObjType = 14 then -IGSTSum
    else IGSTSum end as IGSTSum,
    case when ObjType = 14 then -CGSTSum
    else CGSTSum end as CGSTSum,
    case when ObjType = 14 then -SGSTSum
    else SGSTSum end as SGSTSum,
    case when ObjType = 14 then -CessSum
    else CessSum end as CessSum,
    'ZZ' as ItemTaxType ,CardName,DocEntry,DocNum,DocDate,LocGSTN
    from GST_ODOC_Result_Ignore_RvsCharge
    where ObjType in (13, 14)
    and (ItemTaxType <> 'GE' and PureNilRateDoc = 'N')
    and ImpOrExp = 'Y' and ExportType <> 'D'



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    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Question

  • jsshivalik wrote:


    My mind-reading capabilities are lacking today, so please state your question here.

    By the way, questions end with a question mark (?)

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

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