Record Locking

  • Is it possible for a user to unlock another users record lock?

    We have an application where there are two types of user admin and user.

    if the user locks a particular record, but the admin person want to lock that same record then he has preceedence over this.  and i want to be able to unlock the users lock on the record and allow the admin person to get a lock on it?


    Many thanks in advance...


  • Locking is used to guarantee consistency. 

    If you would be able to 'steal' a lock in the middle of a transaction it would break down the whole point of locking.

  • What kind of lock are you talking about?  SQL provides its own type of locking used to guarantee data integrity.  These locks are controlled by using lock hints in TSQL code and/or designing your database and application the right way for the intended solution.  Search SQL Server Books Online for locking.

    If you are talking about locks at the application level, this is a whole other animal...

    What are you trying to accomplish?

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