design for data aggregation

  • Hello All,

    I would like your perspective on a (re)design for data aggregation.

    This is the general scoop:

    - We have many "data providers" grouped in categories.

    - Providers in the same category sent data with the same structure.

    - Providers can be added/removed dynamically.

    - The data provided is linked to other objects in our database.

    In the current system, each instance of a data providers writes data

    in a separate table. Since we have many providers, we end up with tons

    of tables whose names are not known a priori. As a result, we have to

    use name conventions for tables, which is not a clean approach.

    I considered having only one table for all providers and have a typed

    xml column for the actual data. That column is associated with a

    schema collection that contains the schemas for all metadata


    From the architecure standpoint, this approach simplifies a lot my

    scenario. However, I have some concerns:

    1. Bulk: Since this table will be very large (possibly millions of


    2. Load: I need to search, add, update, modify entries on this table

    from multiple providers. Therefore, there is an issue of contention.

    3. Performance: XML is usually very slow.

    I would appreciatte your comments in this matter.

    What do you think about this approch?

    How you compare both designs?

    Are there any provisions or techniques  to mitigate the concerns with

    the simgle xml approach?

    Kind regards


  • I would suggest

    • One table for the providers
    • A table per category with a column for the xml content
    • use xml indexing

    Everything you can imagine is real.

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