Insert using select statements

  • I'm writing my first sproc but I don't understand how to insert from two tables in one statement


    CREATE PROCEDURE Orders_PO_Insert 
    @jobid INT,
    @accountnumber NVARCHAR(255),
    @siteid INT,
    @serviceid INT
    DECLARE @orderid INT

    INSERT INTO dbo.orders (projectid, accountnumber, jobid, siteid,
    siteaddress1, siteaddress2, siteaddress3, siteaddress4, sitepcode,
    requiredby, ordereddate, contactname, contactphone, contactemail)
    VALUES (
    (SELECT projectid FROM jobs WHERE id = @jobid),
    @accountnumber, @jobid,@siteid,
    (SELECT TOP (1) SiteAdd1, SiteAdd2, SiteAdd3, SiteAdd4, sitepostcode FROM SiteAddresses WHERE siteid = @siteid),
    (SELECT TOP (1) edd, jobadded, ContactName, ContactPhoneNum, ContactEmail FROM jobs WHERE id = @jobid)

    SET @orderid = SCOPE_IDENTITY()

    INSERT INTO orderitems (orderid, unitcost)
    VALUES (@orderid,
    (SELECT cost FROM temp_billing WHERE serviceid = @serviceid)

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by  Mr North.
  • You don't need to use VALUES when selecting from one or more tables.

    INSERT t(col1, Col2)

    SELECT t1.Col1, t2.Col2

    FROM t1 join t2 ...

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    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
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  • Which part of this are you having trouble with - inserting into orders from the two tables jobs and SiteAddresses in a single statement, or inserting into the two tables orders and orderitems in a single statement?

    By the way, SELECT TOP(1) is meaningless if you don't have an ORDER BY clause.  And, assuming id and siteid uniquely identify rows in jobs and SiteAddresses respectively, they're also unnecessary, since you'll only ever get a single row from those SELECT statements.


  • Is id the primary key of jobs?

    Is siteid the primary key of SiteAddresses?

    To get the columns from both tables onto a single row you could use CROSS JOIN.  It works if the tables (on both sides of the CROSS JOIN) are restricted to a single row.   If the query selects are being done on primary keys then top (1) is not necessary.  If there are dupes then maybe they're needed, idk.

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