Merge Replication Agent Status

  •  If you create a Merge subscription using the Slow Link profile, it will return a status of "idle" (4) when there are no changes to replicate. All other Profiles will return "Waiting xx seconds" (3). If you change the Slow Link from Verbose 1 to Verbose 2, it stops showing status 4 and shows 3, like the others.  I would guess this is tied to the verbose level, since all the others are aready at verbose 2.

    As status 3 is also what it shows when it's retrying a failure to connect, I would really like to have status 4 as well as the history that is recorded by Verbose level 2 or 3. Is there any way to provide this?

    Brian Bunin

  • Anyone?

    Brian Bunin

  • BTT

    Brian Bunin

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