March 20, 2007 at 1:14 pm
Please Help!
I have been browsing the Internet and SSC and still cannot find a way to render HTML from a table. I have HTML stored in a table. I would like to put a table on a report and have the textual HTML rendered as a webpage within Reporting Services. Basically, I want to show the end-user what the Web-Page looked like at a specific time & date.
html><head><title></title></head><body>This is a test<br /><br /><br /><br />Greg Grow 1234 N Main St, Done, City, State 55555<br /></body></html>"
The goal I have is to fetch this row from the database, and display it as if was rendered in a web browser. Any help would be much appreciated.
March 24, 2007 at 10:02 am
If you want to render the HTML as it came from the database, IMHO Reporting Services would not be the right way to do it.
Reporting Services, by definition, are format-neutral. IOW, the reports should be renderable by different handlers (HTML, PDF, whatever). So telling RS that you want it to render HTML as a base format doesn't make sense.
I'm sure it would be possible to add a special little ASP.NET page into your reports web root (or whatever, in the virtual directory) that would do what you want. Would this do for your purposes, do you think? I am assuming that you have (other) reasons to use RS.
I can also see potential for a real a*s-backward way of forcing this to happen with some XSLT applied to the reporting content -- something that RS *can* do. This assumes that your html is well-formed, which it appears to be (IOW no unclosed <br> tags or anything). You might also have to un-escape the blob of html text during the transform -- and I have no idea what the export (to Excel or whatever) would look like.
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