Recursive update

  • I am trying to combine two tables into one.  I have one table that contains an identity, Level1Region, Level2Region, Level3Region, Level4Region and another table that contains a regionID and Region Description.

    I want to create a new table that contains all entities of the first table plus a Level1Name, Level2Name, Level3Name, and Level4Name.  I need to walk through the second table and match the regionID with each LevelXRegion number and place the region description in the proper regionXname.


    RegionID  RegionDescription

    9             West

    206          California

    Level1Region            Level2Region           Level3Region      Level4Region

    9                            Null                      Null                   Null

    9                           206                       Null                   Null


    The new table will need to have the RegionDescription for each regionID


    Level1Region   Level1Name  Level2Region   Level2Name

    9                  West            Null              Null

    9                  West             206             California


    Is that clear what I need done?


  • Try something like:

    SELECT R1.*, R2.*

    FROM RegionLevels L

        JOIN Regions R1

            ON L.Level1Region = R1.RegionID

        LEFT JOIN Regions R2

            ON L.Level2Region = R2.RegionID

  • I want to insert data from two tables into one table.  The inserted table is similar in structure to one of the tables that I want to insert from.  The latter table to insert from has the level name for each level. 

  • Just curious, but what have you come up sp far in solving this problem?  It would help to know where you are have a problem.


  • Try this:

    create table dbo.RegionDesc (

        RegionId int,

        RegionDesc varchar(25)


    create table dbo.RegionLevel (

        Level1Region int null,

        Level2Region int null,

        Level3Region int null,

        Level4Region int null


    create table dbo.RegionsNamed (

        Level1Region int null,

        Level1Name   varchar(25) null,

        Level2Region int null,

        Level2Name   varchar(25) null,

        Level3Region int null,

        Level3Name   varchar(25) null,

        Level4Region int null,

        Level4Name   varchar(25) null



    insert into dbo.RegionDesc values (9, 'West')

    insert into dbo.RegionDesc values (206, 'California')

    insert into dbo.RegionLevel values (9,null,null,null)

    insert into dbo.RegionLevel values (9,206,null,null)

    insert into dbo.RegionsNamed











        dbo.RegionLevel rl

        left outer join dbo.RegionDesc rd1

            on (rl.Level1Region = rd1.RegionId)

        left outer join dbo.RegionDesc rd2

            on (rl.Level2Region = rd2.RegionId)

        left outer join dbo.RegionDesc rd3

            on (rl.Level3Region = rd3.RegionId)

        left outer join dbo.RegionDesc rd4

            on (rl.Level4Region = rd4.RegionId)


    select * from dbo.RegionsNamed


    drop table dbo.RegionDesc

    drop table dbo.RegionLevel

    drop table dbo.RegionsNamed

  • That is exactly what I needed.  this worked perfectly.  Thank you tremendously.

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