2008 R2 - Copy Database Wizard - Can it be disabled?

  • Morning All

    We have a customer using SQL Server 2008 R2 and a previous support provider have configured the Copy Database Wizard for them.  However, this was years ago and is no longer required.  It has spawned some 300+ DTS packages and associated agent jobs.  Is there a way to disable the overall process?  Going back through the wizard doesn't allow you to do it, and there's no way to see the properties of the packages / jobs to determine what is creating them (that I can see anyway).  We've removed all the old packages / jobs and deleted the copy database wizard folder from Integration Services but more have appeared over the weekend.  The customer does not know what is spawning them.  Integration Services is not my strong point so I don't really know where to go to stop this.  Has something been hard coded in their app to do this?

    Any help much appreciated!



    As quickly as that, the culprit has been found.  It was an internal user that was using the process, and they have only just come forward.

    Thanks anyway.

  • Looking for an executioner meme... hmm...  Gotta love end users, right?

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