Replication help

  • Hi all,

    I'm fairly new to the dba side of things, and wondered if you could give me some pointers as to a possible solution to an issue that's occurred where I work.

    On site A we have 2 sql servers in Always On Availability Group with a very high-throughput DB, and up till last week had a server on site B that was kept in sync via replication.

    Without going into detail, replication was broken between Site A and Site B last week, and since then we've struggled to re-enable replication between the sites. My first thought was to stop access to the DB on Site A for a period of time whilst we get replication back up and running using a full backup, and wondered if anyone could suggest anything different I could try. I think we have licences for Redgate SQL Compare so that might be another potential workaround?

    Thoughts and comments greatly appreciated.

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • jpnorman103 what kind of replication?

    Are you replicating schema changes?

    Alex S
  • jpnorman103 wrote:

    Hi all,

    I'm fairly new to the dba side of things, and wondered if you could give me some pointers as to a possible solution to an issue that's occurred where I work.

    On site A we have 2 sql servers in Always On Availability Group with a very high-throughput DB, and up till last week had a server on site B that was kept in sync via replication.

    Without going into detail, replication was broken between Site A and Site B last week, and since then we've struggled to re-enable replication between the sites. My first thought was to stop access to the DB on Site A for a period of time whilst we get replication back up and running using a full backup, and wondered if anyone could suggest anything different I could try. I think we have licences for Redgate SQL Compare so that might be another potential workaround?

    Thoughts and comments greatly appreciated.


    Curious... were you able to fix this?

    --Jeff Moden

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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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