Learning from Exercise

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Learning from Exercise

  • Wise words Steve. Exercise has been a true friend to me.

  • I've been cycling to work, 5 miles each way, for over 17 years now, and I feel about it all the ways you talk about your running. Five miles is an ideal distance, IMO, because it's enough to warm up and exercise, but doesn't take all that long (~25 minutes). In fact, it's not that much extra time out of my day over if I was commuting by car or transit. I've never been interested in going to a gym. Sure, my arms are still flabby, but my cardio is in good shape, and my legs are great! 🙂

  • john.brooking wrote:

    I've been cycling to work, 5 miles each way, for over 17 years now, and I feel about it all the ways you talk about your running. Five miles is an ideal distance, IMO, because it's enough to warm up and exercise, but doesn't take all that long (~25 minutes). In fact, it's not that much extra time out of my day over if I was commuting by car or transit. I've never been interested in going to a gym. Sure, my arms are still flabby, but my cardio is in good shape, and my legs are great! 🙂

    Heh... so's the gas mileage and reduction of wear and tear on the car.

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  • so's the gas mileage and reduction of wear and tear on the car.

    What car? I got rid of my personal car years ago, although my wife still has one for us to use together. 😉

  • Good for you, John. I think you'd be surprised how strong you are if you did something else.

    I used to bike 12mi each way, but I'd drive Mon am with the bike on the car and leave my car in the lot with a bag of clothes. I'd ride all week, back and forth, and then load the bike up and drive home Friday. Worked well in Denver, as it's almost always nice enough to ride, but once in awhile it will be 50F in the am and then snowing when I go home.


  • I work from home, and my dog hangs out nearby in the den and kitchen. She is out of site most of the day, but when she hears me push back my chair and stretch, she knows I'm taking a break and will walk into the office with her tug toy, wanting to go outside and play for a few minutes.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

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