SQL Tuning help is appriciated

  • The below SQL is running for more than half an hour and inserting 1.5 million records into  #product_result    and again records are deleted from #product_result    using SQL2. Is there a way to simplify this SQL. 

                    (SELECT MAX(revs_no) FROM avt_deal_hdr (NOLOCK)  WHERE deal_id = mp.deal_id) revs_no,       
                    isnull(mp.version_id,1) version_id,       
                    1 aa,       
                    mp.material_product_id ,   
                    isnull(pd.delivery_status_id, 4) delivery_status_id  into #product_result  
            FROM    avt_material_product mp (NOLOCK)      
        INNER JOIN  #product_status ps ON  mp.active_cd = ps.product_status 
        INNER JOIN  #title_status_cd ts ON mp.title_status_cd = ts.title_status_cd 
        INNER JOIN avt_po_detail pd (NOLOCK) ON  mp.material_product_id = pd.material_product_id
        INNER JOIN avt_deal_line adl (NOLOCK) ON adl.deal_id=mp.deal_id AND adl.product_id=mp.product_id
         AND adl.revs_no =(SELECT MAX(revs_no) FROM avt_deal_hdr WHERE deal_id = adl.deal_id)
         mp.deal_id > 0       
        and     mp.product_id is not null   
        and     isnull(mp.prep_dt, '1/1/1900')    >=  isnull(@prep_date_start, '1/1/1900')        /* ASR-4573560 Included the isnull check*/ 
        and     isnull(mp.prep_dt, '1/1/1900')    <=  isnull(@prep_date_end, '1/1/3000')         
        and     isnull(mp.delivery_dt, '1/1/1900')    >=  isnull(@delivery_date_start, '1/1/1900')         
        and     isnull(mp.delivery_dt, '1/1/1900')    <=  isnull(@delivery_date_end, '1/1/3000')         
        and     isnull(mp.lic_beg_dt, '1/1/1900')    >=  isnull(@lic_beg_start, '1/1/1900')         
        and     isnull(mp.lic_beg_dt, '1/1/1900')    <=  isnull(@lic_beg_end, '1/1/3000')         
        and     isnull(mp.lic_end_dt, '1/1/3000')  >=  isnull(@lic_end_start, '1/1/1900')         
        and     isnull( mp.lic_end_dt, '1/1/3000')  <=  isnull(@lic_end_end, '1/1/3000')
        AND     ISNULL(adl.pin_letter_sent, '1/1/1900')  >=  ISNULL(@Pin_start_date, '1/1/1900')   ---SRTS-2795--Pin sent date filter      
        AND     ISNULL(adl.pin_letter_sent, '1/1/1900')  <=  ISNULL(@Pin_end_date, '1/1/3000') ---SRTS-2795--Pin sent date filter
     --and mp.deal_id=119412
     drop table #product_status
     drop table #title_status_cd
     drop table #product_result

    --SQL2 starts--SQL2 starts

     Delete  pr
            from    #product_result pr Left outer join  avt_po_detail pd (NOLOCK)    
                ON    pr.deal_id = pd.deal_id  
           and  ( (isnull(pd.due_dt,'1/1/1900') >= isnull(@due_dt_start ,'1/1/1900') 
            and  isnull(pd.due_dt,'1/1/1900') <= isnull(@due_dt_end   , '1/1/3000')) 
      OR (pd.due_dt is null and pd.due_dt_expr is not null and pd.vendor_due_date is not null and
      (isnull(pd.vendor_due_date,'1/1/1900') >= isnull(@due_dt_start ,'1/1/1900') 
            and  isnull(pd.vendor_due_date,'1/1/1900') <= isnull(@due_dt_end   , '1/1/3000')))
      OR (pd.due_dt is null and pd.vendor_due_date is null and pr.original_release_date is not null and
                   isnull(DATEADD(DAY,Convert(int,CASE WHEN IsNumeric(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), pd.due_dt_expr )) = 1
                                               THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), pd.due_dt_expr) 
                                               ELSE 0 END), pr.original_release_date),'1/1/1900') >=isnull(@due_dt_start ,'1/1/1900')
                   and isnull(DATEADD(DAY,Convert(int,CASE WHEN IsNumeric(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), pd.due_dt_expr )) = 1
                                               THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), pd.due_dt_expr) 
                                               ELSE 0 END), pr.original_release_date),'1/1/1900') <= isnull(@due_dt_end   , '1/1/3000'))
            OR @due_dt_cnt = 0) 

    --SQL2 ends

    --SQL2 ends

  • Enormous performance killer:
    and     isnull(mp.prep_dt, '1/1/1900')    >=  isnull(@prep_date_start, '1/1/1900')
    Compare the column to the variable/parameter. Running functions on the column (and on the parameter/variable) means that statistics and indexes can't be used and you MUST perform scans to find every single one of these values. You can't get any other behavior until this is eliminated. Read this article too.

    This is an even more egregious example:

    isnull(DATEADD(DAY,Convert(int,CASE WHEN IsNumeric(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), pd.due_dt_expr )) = 1
                                               THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), pd.due_dt_expr) 
                                               ELSE 0 END), pr.original_release_date),'1/1/1900') >=isnull(@due_dt_start ,'1/1/1900')

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Also search for articles that mention "sargable / sargability".  This is a way of referring to the sort of problem that Grant has mentioned.

    For example, https://sqlinthewild.co.za/index.php/2016/09/13/what-is-a-sargable-predicate/
    or http://blogs.lobsterpot.com.au/2010/01/22/sargable-functions-in-sql-server/
    are a couple of articles you should read.

    Thomas Rushton
    blog: https://thelonedba.wordpress.com

  • What part is taking the most time?  Can you split it up to see?
    Try replacing the first SQL with something like this:

    SET @prep_date_start = COALESCE(@prep_date_start, '1/1/1900');
    SET @prep_date_end = COALESCE(@prep_date_end, '1/1/3000');
    SET @delivery_date_start = COALESCE(@delivery_date_start, '1/1/1900');
    SET @delivery_date_end = COALESCE(@delivery_date_end, '1/1/3000');
    SET @lic_beg_start = COALESCE(@lic_beg_start, '1/1/1900');
    SET @lic_beg_end = COALESCE(@lic_beg_end, '1/1/3000');
    SET @lic_end_start = COALESCE(@lic_end_start, '1/1/1900');
    SET @lic_end_end = COALESCE(@lic_end_end, '1/1/3000');
    SET @Pin_start_date = COALESCE(@Pin_start_date, '1/1/1900');
    SET @Pin_end_date = COALESCE(@Pin_end_date, '1/1/3000');

    WITH avt_material_product_CTE AS
        SELECT deal_id, product_id, version_id, material_product_id,
            active_cd, title_status_cd, material_product_id,
            COALESCE(prep_dt, '1/1/1900') AS prep_dt,
            COALESCE(delivery_dt, '1/1/1900') AS delivery_dt,
            COALESCE(lic_beg_dt, '1/1/1900') AS lic_beg_dt,
            COALESCE(lic_end_dt, '1/1/3000') AS lic_end_dt
        FROM avt_material_product
        SELECT deal_id, product_id, revs_no,
            COALESCE(pin_letter_sent, '1/1/1900') AS pin_letter_sent
        FROM avt_deal_line
    SELECT mp.deal_id,  
        --(SELECT MAX(revs_no)
        --    FROM avt_deal_hdr --(NOLOCK)
        --    WHERE deal_id = mp.deal_id) AS revs_no, 
        COALESCE(mp.version_id,1) AS version_id,  
        1 AS aa,  
        COALESCE(pd.delivery_status_id, 4) AS delivery_status_id
    INTO #product_result 
    FROM avt_material_product_CTE AS mp --(NOLOCK)  
        INNER JOIN #product_status AS ps
            ON mp.active_cd = ps.product_status
        INNER JOIN #title_status_cd AS ts
            ON mp.title_status_cd = ts.title_status_cd
        INNER JOIN avt_po_detail AS pd --(NOLOCK)
            ON mp.material_product_id = pd.material_product_id
        INNER JOIN avt_deal_line_CTE AS adl --(NOLOCK)
            ON adl.deal_id = mp.deal_id
            AND adl.product_id = mp.product_id
            AND adl.revs_no = (SELECT MAX(revs_no)
                                FROM avt_deal_hdr
                                WHERE deal_id = adl.deal_id)
    WHERE mp.deal_id > 0  
        AND mp.product_id IS NOT NULL
        AND mp.prep_dt >= @prep_date_start   /* ASR-4573560 Included the COALESCE check*/
        AND mp.prep_dt <= @prep_date_end
        AND mp.delivery_dt >= @delivery_date_start
        AND mp.delivery_dt <= @delivery_date_end
        AND mp.lic_beg_dt >= @lic_beg_start
        AND mp.lic_beg_dt <= @lic_beg_end
        AND mp.lic_end_dt >= @lic_end_start
        and mp.lic_end_dt <= @lic_end_end
        AND adl.pin_letter_sent >= @Pin_start_date ---SRTS-2795--Pin sent date filter  
        AND adl.pin_letter_sent <= @Pin_end_date ---SRTS-2795--Pin sent date filter
    --and mp.deal_id=119412

    DROP TABLE #product_status;
    DROP TABLE #title_status_cd;
    DROP TABLE #product_result;

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

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