SQL Query ??

  • Hi I am looking for a bit of guidance with an sql query I need to build a query to format my data in the following way


    but the data is in the following format using this sql



    Select IsNull(p.firstName+ ' ','') + IsNull(p.MiddleName+ ' ','') + IsNull(p.LastName,'') as 'Player',



    DATENAME(WEEKDAY, rzd.Date) as 'Day'

    From RedZoneData rzd

    Join Person p on p.ID = rzd.PlayerID

    Where rzd.PlayerID in (3 ,2)

    And rzd.Date Between (Select StartDate From RedZoneWeeklyMapping

                                        Where ID = 15)

    And (Select EndDate From RedZoneWeeklyMapping

                Where ID = 15)

    Order By p.ID, rzd.Date


    and im not really sure if its possible to change it around so the days are at the top and totals in their cols etc any help or advice would be appreciated thanks in advance


  • Use the Case function

    Something like?

    Select IsNull(p.firstName+ ' ','') + IsNull(p.MiddleName+ ' ','') + IsNull(p.LastName,'') as 'Player',

    min(case when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, rzd.Date) = 'Monday' then rzd.Total end) as 'Monday',

    min(case when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, rzd.Date) = 'Monday' then rzd.Target end) as 'MondayTarget',

    min(case when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, rzd.Date) = 'Tuesday' then rzd.Total end) as 'Tuesday',

    min(case when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, rzd.Date) = 'Tuesday' then rzd.Target end) as 'TuesdayTarget',


    From RedZoneData rzd

    Join Person p on p.ID = rzd.PlayerID

    Where rzd.PlayerID in (3 ,2)

    And rzd.Date Between (Select StartDate From RedZoneWeeklyMapping

                                        Where ID = 15)

    And (Select EndDate From RedZoneWeeklyMapping

                Where ID = 15)

    Group by IsNull(p.firstName+ ' ','') + IsNull(p.MiddleName+ ' ','') + IsNull(p.LastName,'')

    Order By p.ID, rzd.Date

  • thanks alot man thats perfect very much appreciated

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