DTS Export to File Question

  • I am simply trying to export a dynamic sql statement to (that is over 8000 characters) to a pipe delimited flat file. I have exported using SSIS but the columns change every once and while and i do not want to have to update my package every time a change occurs. So i have been using BCP but it won't allow a sql string > 8000 characters. (sql statements a dynamic pivot with alot of columns).

    Any suggestions? Can you do a bulk copy to a flat file in SSIS?



  • I had to do something similar, except that I executed the dynamic sql. Actually I generated a stored proc,  captured the sql in a table, then used the following snippet to keep the SQL smaller than 8K. It may help you:


    -- Prepare Cursor for retrieval of generated code


    DECLARE GeneratedObject CURSOR FOR

     SELECT GeneratedCode

       FROM dbo.ObjectGeneratedCode

      WHERE ObjectID = @ObjectID

        AND GeneratedCode IS NOT NULL

      ORDER BY Sequence

    OPEN GeneratedObject

    FETCH NEXT FROM GeneratedObject INTO @GeneratedCode


    -- Drop Object based on its ObjectType (9=SP, 10=DTS, 11=Job)


    select @sql =

     CASE @ObjectType

      WHEN 9 THEN 'if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N''' + @ObjectName + ''') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N''IsProcedure'') = 1) drop procedure ' + @ObjectName



    SELECT @sql  = ''

    SELECT @SQL1 = ''

    SELECT @SQL2 = ''

    SELECT @SQL3 = ''

    SELECT @SQL4 = ''

    SELECT @SQL5 = ''

    SELECT @SQLFlag = 1


    -- Cursor Loop Start




     if len(@SQL) + len(@GeneratedCode) > 8000


      IF @SQLFlag = 1 SELECT @SQL1 = @sql

      IF @SQLFlag = 2 SELECT @SQL2 = @sql

      IF @SQLFlag = 3 SELECT @SQL3 = @sql

      IF @SQLFlag = 4 SELECT @SQL4 = @sql

      IF @SQLFlag = 5 SELECT @SQL5 = @sql

      select @sql = ''

      select @SQLFlag = @SQLFlag + 1


     SELECT @sql = @sql + @GeneratedCode + ' ' + char(10)

     FETCH NEXT FROM GeneratedObject INTO @GeneratedCode



    -- Cursor Loop End


    close GeneratedObject

    deallocate GeneratedObject

    IF @SQLFlag = 1 SELECT @SQL1 = @sql

    IF @SQLFlag = 2 SELECT @SQL2 = @sql

    IF @SQLFlag = 3 SELECT @SQL3 = @sql

    IF @SQLFlag = 4 SELECT @SQL4 = @sql

    IF @SQLFlag = 5 SELECT @SQL5 = @sql

    --print @SQL1 + @SQL2 + @SQL3 + @SQL4 + @SQL5

    execute(@SQL1 + @SQL2 + @SQL3 + @SQL4 + @SQL5)

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