Cannot Connect to SSIS remotely or locally

  • I receive an error when I attempt to connect to SSIS via Management Studio. There is only a default instance on this SQL server and it is not running IIS or any COM+ services. There are other SQL servers in that same subnet and I can connect to SSIS fine so this is apparently not a networking issue. Thanks for any help you can offer.

    Connect to SSIS service on machine "servername" failed: library not registered


    Cannot connect to "servername".


    Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum)


    For help, click:


    Program Location:

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Enumerator.Process(Object connectionInfo, Request request)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.ObjectExplorer.ObjectExplorer.ValidateConnection(UIConnectionInfo ci, IServerType server)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.ConnectionDlg.Connector.ConnectionThreadUser()


    Library not registered. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801D (TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED)) (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRuntimeWrap)


    Program Location:

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.GetServerInfo(String server, String& serverVersion)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.SmoEnum.DTSEnum.GetData(EnumResult erParent)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Environment.GetData()

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Environment.GetData(Request req, Object ci)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Enumerator.GetData(Object connectionInfo, Request request)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Enumerator.Process(Object connectionInfo, Request request)


    Library not registered. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801D (TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED)) (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRuntimeWrap)


    Program Location:

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.ApplicationClass.GetServerInfo(String bstrMachineName, String& serverVersion)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.GetServerInfo(String server, String& serverVersion)

  • Ryan,

    are you sure that SSIS is installed and the service started ? The error seems toindicate that SSIS is not (properly) installed.


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Thanks for your reply. It is definitely installed and the service is started. I will try uninstalling and reinstalling SSIS to see if that helps.

  • Thanks. I found that even though SSIS was installed, the DTSRuntimeWarp.dll was not even present. I reinstalled sp1 and all is well.

  • I had similar issue in an environment with SQL Server 2005 with SP2.

    I registered two dlls(command below) and its working fine now.

    %windir%\syswow64\regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft SQL Server\90\dts\binn\dts.dll

    %windir%\syswow64\regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft SQL Server\90\dts\binn\MsDtsSrvrUtil.dll

    With Thanks and Regards
    Arshad Ali
    Microsoft India

    My Blog -[/url]

  • Thanks a lot .............

    The above registration worked.............



  • It was very helpful

  • Beutiful, it worked for me too. Thanks a buncg


  • Had the same problem with an SSIS project in VS 2005. It wouldn't load after a Windows Update. The solution above fixed it. Thanks!

  • Did Windows update updated SQL Server 2005 with SP2. If yes then do the above registration and I think it should work.

    You can use below query to know the version:

    SELECT CONVERT(char(20), SERVERPROPERTY('productlevel'));


    select @@version

    With Thanks and Regards
    Arshad Ali
    Microsoft India

    My Blog -[/url]

  • Yes, I think Windows Update installed SP2. I checked the version and SP2 is installed, but I don't know how long it has been there.

    Registering the two DLL's let me open packages but I could not open the Dataflows! So now I'm trying this.

  • It fixed for me too !! Thanks a lot 🙂

  • I have faced the same issue, resolved it by reapplying the Service Pack. 🙂

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