How to interpit space availablie and memory

  • Hi,

    I have been checking daily and monthly the space used and available on my SQL Server. However, I have been trying to find a good explanation of how to read them in relation to our needs, and have not found anything that really helps.

    For example, I run this every month:

    EXECUTE master.sys.sp_MSforeachdb 'USE [?]; EXEC sp_spaceused'

    database_name    database_size       unallocated space

    DMPCRU               113812.75 MB           11824.70 MB

    reserved                            data                    index_size             unused

    104432312 KB         87519256 KB         16665256 KB       247800 KB

    I generally compare the database_size from month to moth and look for the %inc or dec.


    I run this to see MB that is free on each drive?

    exec master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives

    drive MB free

    C 182859

    F 955520

    But I do not know if this is good or bad or what it truly means in relation to what I will need?

    Finally, I run this to check the memory

    SELECT available_physical_memory_kb/1024 as "Total Memory MB",
    available_physical_memory_kb/(total_physical_memory_kb*1.0)*100 AS "% Memory Free"
    FROM sys.dm_os_sys_memory

    Total Memory MB     % Memory Free

    1833                               5.61128112481251

    Again, I do not know if this is okay or not(seems low too me)

    Thank you










  • An activity makes sense if it helps to get someting desired.

    You mentioned  "in relation to our needs"  but didn't describe them.

    What are your needs?


  • Yah, I am sorry I may not be phrasing this right. I am really asking how to use the numbers. I mean if the database grows about 1% every month I can figure when we would run out of space. Maybe that is it? or should I be looking at other things in regards to these numbers? And the memory always says that I have 5% available that seems dangerously low to me, but then we never have any issues.

    Thank you

  • 1% of 100 is 1

    1% of 1000 is 10

    so, comparing only percents doesn't make much sense

    In your case, I would calculate average growth speed and get undestanding when there will be no free space on disks.

    It's approximate estimation , but it's better than checking %%.

    Regarding the memory :    5% free of 32GBs  is fine  if all other memory consumers are happy.

    I would save Perfmon counters for a week/month and analyse comsumption trend.



  • okay,

    Thank you

  • Two things to keep in mind for SQL Server.

    1. It uses all the memory it can. Less in a 32bit space, but you ought to ensure that nothing else on the machine is starved, then give SQL Server (set max memory) as much as you can.
    2. SQL Server allocates space in files, then manages the use of the space. Always have some internal pad inside the database files, but certainly keep an eye on the disk itself. If the files start running low on space, this means you need to grow the files. This doesn't mean you're running out of space on disk.
  • I think you're only getting a partial picture based on your queries you posted.  I do something similar for disk space, but to get each database's file usage I query sys.database_files instead of sp_spaceused.  sys.database_files will let you see what drive each database file is on so that you can properly compare it to the results of xp_fixeddrives.

    Store this information, then over time you can see the rate your databases are growing at, and know which files are the growth "hot spots".  Compare the growth over time to the amount of free space on each drive and you then have a rough picture of how much longer your free space will last.  (it would be more difficult if your databases are growing faster and faster each month instead of a fairly constant rate)

    For RAM, your query on sys.dm_os_sys_memory is showing you the free memory, which is okay to look at, but probably not the best thing to use to determine "needs".  Do you know about performance counters such as Page Life Expectancy?  There are ways to use that to determine if SQL Server is under memory pressure.


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