selecting result of a dynamic sql query into a variable

  • im executing this as dynamic sql



    @SQLCommand ='Select count(*) from '+ ltrim(rtrim(@TableName)) 


    i want to select this returned number into a variable so i tried this



    @SQLCommand ='select @NumRows = (Select count(*) from '+ ltrim(rtrim(@TableName)) +')'

    it tells me i have to declare the variable @NumRows, even though i have declared it at the top of the procedure. i just get an error when i try this


    select @NumRows = (exec @SQLCommand)


    how do i do this?? 

  • Actually the EXEC command is executed in a diff address space of the current so... your var/s are not visible.

    What you have to do is to declare the var inside the EXEC command:

    declare @TableName varchar(256)

    declare @SQLCommand varchar(256)

    select @TableName='items '

    select @SQLCommand = 'Declare @NumRows int

    select @NumRows = count(*) from '+ ltrim(rtrim(@TableName))+

    ' select @NumRows'


    When you 've got a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail...

  • ive tried that with this code



    @tableName varchar (50)


    @command varchar(50)


    @tableName = 'customer'


    @command = 'Declare @NumRows int

    select @numRows = (select count(*) from '

    + ltrim(rtrim(@tableName)) + ') select @NumRows'




    but i keep getting an error saying incorrect syntax near select. i cannot see any incorrect syntax

  • The problem is not actually in your code but in the size of the @Command which is too short to keep the whole string.... try

    Declare @command varchar(256)

    ...and everything will work...

    When you 've got a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail...

  • one more thing ive just realised. ok, i can get the number of rows in each of those tables, but i when i try to use that number when inserting into a table, i simply get a null. the @numRows variable doesnt seem to have any value outside of the dynamic sql statement. i need to get the number of rows in a table into the variable, then further down , insert the variable into a table, like so



    @SQLCommand ='Declare @NumRows int

    select @NumRows = count(*) from '

    + ltrim(rtrim(@TableName))

    --+ ' select @NumRows'


    ( @SQLCommand)


    into temp




    this is the result set i get


    Table Name                                    RowCount

    tblCurrentQuarter                             NULL

    BreakdownDeductionsOnceOFF           NULL

    tblCustBreakdown                            NULL

    BreakdownDeductionsOnceOFFq2        NULL

  • Seems that you dont read my replies....

    When you 've got a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail...

  • i did i did!! i am getting a result back for @numRows, but thats in the context of the dynamic sql, and i cant reference that outside of the dynamic sql, in my sproc.

  • Try sp_executesql

    This question gets asked at least once a month usually more, I'm surprised you couldn't do a simple search to find the answer


    Use Pubs

    declare @SQLCommand nvarchar(4000)

    declare @TableName varchar(50)

    declare @myoutputRowcount int

    set @TableName = 'Authors'

    Select @SQLCommand ='Select @NumRows = count(*) from '+ ltrim(rtrim(@TableName))

    exec sp_ExecuteSql @SQLCommand, N'@NumRows int OUTPUT', @NumRows = @myoutputRowcount OUTPUT

    select @myoutputRowcount

  • thank you. that worked a treat. i would have searched, but i didnt know what to search for.

  • sp_executesql is what u r looking 4...

    Actually (by reading the SBO) u will see the following:

    "Using sp_executesql is recommended over using the EXECUTE statement to execute a string. Not only does the support for parameter substitution make sp_executesql more versatile than EXECUTE, it also makes sp_executesql more efficient because it generates execution plans that are more likely to be reused by SQL Server."

    When you 've got a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail...

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