More Error Information When Using SQLCMD Mode in SSMS

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to learn a bit more about SQLCMD mode in SSMS.  I've got a script that runs a series of other scripts, like this:

    :SETVAR Objpath "c:\..."

    :SETVAR oltp "servername"

    :ON ERROR EXIT --End the SQLCMD script if we encounter an error

    :CONNECT $(oltp)

    --Tables and views

    :r $(Objpath)"\...Table1.sql"

    :r $(Objpath)"\...Table2.sql"

    :r $(Objpath)"\...Table3.sql"


    This works as expected, but I can't figure out how to get more error handling information.  Is it possible to have SQLCMD tell me the name of the script that had the error?

    For example, if I change "Table3" to a non-existent script, like "Tabel3", I get a generic error message:

    A fatal scripting error occurred.

    The file specified for :r command was not found.

    When the list of scripts gets large, this makes it tough to know where the problem was. I could add print statements in between every script that is executed, but that seems very tedious.  Thanks for your help.

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

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