If we pass the DB name paramter should take the backup in the same server

  • Hi Team,

    Please help me on this below metioned code.

    Requirement: If we pass the DB name should take the Full or Diff or Tlog backups in deafult location where the data files existed  in the same server. First it should check the DB size and drive space is avaialble then it create or disply the message space is not avaialble.

    -- Declare variables


    --DECLARE @BackupPath VARCHAR(1000)

    DECLARE @Count int

    DECLARE @BackupName varchar(100)

    DECLARE @BackupFile varchar(100)

    DECLARE @backupType Varchar(100)

    DECLARE @sqlCommand NVARCHAR(1000)

    DECLARE @dateTime NVARCHAR(20)

    SET @DBName='Test'

    SET @BackupPath='F:\Backup\'

    select @Count=name from sys.databases where name=@DBName

    IF (@Count>0)


    --SET @sqlCommand = 'USE master



    --TO DISK = N'+@BackupPath+'


    -- Set the current date and time n yyyyhhmmss format

    SET @dateTime = REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE(),101),'/','') + '_' + REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE(),108),':','')

    -- Create backup filename in path\filename.extension format for full,diff and log backups

    IF @backupType = 'F'

    SET @BackupFile = @backupLocation+REPLACE(REPLACE(@DBNAME, '[',''),']','')+ '_FULL_'+ @dateTime+ '.BAK'

    ELSE IF @backupType = 'D'

    SET @BackupFile = @backupLocation+REPLACE(REPLACE(@DBNAME, '[',''),']','')+ '_DIFF_'+ @dateTime+ '.BAK'

    ELSE IF @backupType = 'L'

    SET @BackupFile = @backupLocation+REPLACE(REPLACE(@DBNAME, '[',''),']','')+ '_LOG_'+ @dateTime+ '.TRN'

    -- Provide the backup a name for storing in the media

    IF @backupType = 'F'

    SET @BackupName = REPLACE(REPLACE(@DBNAME,'[',''),']','') +' full backup for '+ @dateTime

    IF @backupType = 'D'

    SET @BackupName = REPLACE(REPLACE(@DBNAME,'[',''),']','') +' differential backup for '+ @dateTime

    IF @backupType = 'L'

    SET @BackupName = REPLACE(REPLACE(@DBNAME,'[',''),']','') +' log backup for '+ @dateTime

    -- Generate the dynamic SQL command to be executed

    IF @backupType = 'F'


    SET @sqlCommand = 'BACKUP DATABASE ' +@DBNAME+ ' TO DISK = '''+@BackupFile+ ''' WITH INIT, NAME= ''' +@BackupName+''', NOSKIP, NOFORMAT'


    IF @backupType = 'D'


    SET @sqlCommand = 'BACKUP DATABASE ' +@DBNAME+ ' TO DISK = '''+@BackupFile+ ''' WITH DIFFERENTIAL, INIT, NAME= ''' +@BackupName+''', NOSKIP, NOFORMAT'


    IF @backupType = 'L'


    SET @sqlCommand = 'BACKUP LOG ' +@DBNAME+ ' TO DISK = '''+@BackupFile+ ''' WITH INIT, NAME= ''' +@BackupName+''', NOSKIP, NOFORMAT'


    -- Execute the generated SQL command





    PRINT 'DB is not existed'


  • I guess that your question is how do you check the space remaining on the drive?  Try using the stored procedure xp_fixeddrives.


  • It really isn't a good idea to put backups on the same drive/location as your data/log files.  Not only will that cause performance issues - but if you lose that drive you also lose the ability to restore.

    You can also query the backup directory location defined for that instance using xp_instance_regread.  This will identify the location defined in the GUI for you - so you can then determine the rest of the path (if needed).

    As for checking the space available - I would create a separate monitoring process using a powershell script and set that as the first job step in the agent job.  You need to be able to figure out how large a typical backup file will be - and then see if there is enough space available...or, you check the available space and notify when the space available drops below a certain percentage of the drive space.

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • Thanks Jhon and Jeffrey. I will check the backup directory location defined for that instance using xp_instance_regread.


    I will try for the same and will update you.


    Thanks once again.

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