Error when restoring SQL2000 backup to SQL2005

  • I want to work on a database from the office at home.  Its a 2000-created database that I backed up using the SQL2005 interface.  Now at home, I only have 2005 installed.  When I attempt to restore the 2000 backup to 2005 via the 2005 interface I get the error :

    The backed-up database has on-disk structure version 611. The server supports version 539 and cannot restore or upgrade this database.

    RESTORE FILELIST is terminating abnormally. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3169)

    Is there ANY way I can restore this backup to my DB server at home?!??  I would REALLY appreciate your assistance.


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • It cannot be done.

  • You won't be able to restore the master, model, or msdb but any other database you shouldn't have any problems.  You may have to use a script with the MOVE command if your .mdf file will be located a different location as your SQL2000.

    For example, if on SQL 2000 your .mdf files are in "e:\MSSQL\Data" and on  your home pc you don't have an "e:\MSSQL\Data\" then you will have to use the MOVE command.


    FROM DISK = 'd:\backups\full\bu_ITIS.bak'


      MOVE 'ITIS_Log' TO 'E:\SQL Server 2005\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG\ITIS_Log.MDF'


  • "The backed-up database has on-disk structure version 611. The server supports version 539 and cannot restore or upgrade this database." - this error happens when you try to restore a SQL Server 2005 database (backup made on SQL Server 2005, even if the database compatibility was set to 80) to SQL Server 2000, not the other way around.

    There is no problem restoring a backup made on SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005.

  • According to Microsoft, you can restore SQL 2005 databases on SQL 2000 if it has SP4.  I haven't been able to make it work, though. If anyone has a suggestion, I'd appreciate it.

    Here is what Microsoft says: "Media that is formatted with SQL Server 2005 cannot be interpreted by SQL Server version 7.0 and releases of SQL Server 2000 before SP4 because of changes in the media header. However, SQL Server 2000 SP4 supports the SQL Server 2005 media header."

    The reference is as follows:

  • is there a difference in service pack levels beween the machine you used to back up the db and your machine at home?

  • Chack instance of SQL Server. I have some promblem when not check DB instance (in SQL Server Management Studio). By defaulte in "SQL Server Management Studio" select "SomeDB\SHAREPOINT".

  • I also faced same problem, because I was openning old 2000 server from SQLManagement studio.

    If you will open computername\SQLExpress. It will work.

  • I was not able to do the restore process using the sql 2005 wizard(using right click and restore). Then I went to the original server used the wizard to genearate the restore script and modified the location of the files as per the new environment. Then I am able to run that restore script on the new server. I guess this problem occured because on the new server I don't have all the drives as the orginal server.

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